Infectious diseases caused by norovirus are occurring in some areas.Here's what you need to know
The number of cases of norovirus, a nasty, easily contagious gastroenteritis, is increasing in the northeastern United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday.
Nationwideabout 12 percent of the most recent norovirus tests sent to the CDC were positive, compared to a rate of about 16 percent. in the northeastThe agency announced. By comparison, norovirus testing was nearly 10 percent in the Midwest and South, and nearly 13 percent in the West.
Norovirus epidemics are notorious worldwide, characterized by the sudden onset of vomiting, diarrhea, and a general feeling of misery. cruise shipnursing homes, prisons, schools, and other places where people come into close contact.
Here's what you need to know about this cunning bacterium.
What is norovirus?
norovirus infection These are caused by a group of viruses that spread very easily. Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, said it only takes “a minuscule amount” of 10 virus particles to make someone sick.
How is norovirus transmitted?
Norovirus can be transmitted from person to person through food, water, or contaminated surfaces. Experts say it's so contagious that a single handshake or touching a contaminated doorknob or railing could be enough to cause illness.
How long does norovirus disease last?
Illnesses caused by noroviruses usually start suddenly, in what Schaffner calls “a surprisingly dramatic way.” A person can go from mildly unwell to severely ill within a few hours.
It usually takes 2-3 days. Most people make a full recovery.
Who is at risk?
There are no drugs to treat norovirus. Dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea is a major concern, with young children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems most at risk.
Schaffner says it's important to stay hydrated while you're sick by drinking water, soda, and other beverages (excluding coffee, tea, and alcohol). People experiencing symptoms of dehydration should seek medical attention, he added.
How can I avoid getting infected with norovirus?
The best defense against norovirus infection, especially at this time of year winter peak season, strict and frequent hand washing. Using regular soap and warm water, he rubs his hands vigorously for 20 seconds before eating.
Cleaning the surfaces is also important. Use a household disinfectant and give it a good scrub, Schaffner says.
Is this season worse than previous years?
Experts said that although the national norovirus infection situation this year does not appear to be much different from previous years, there are still several weeks of winter left.
Dr. Daniel Griffin, an infectious disease expert at Columbia University Medical Center, said the uncomfortable truth is that we can expect a surge in norovirus cases this time of year.
“We often call it 'winter vomiting disease,'” he says.
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