Coronavirus: Scotland warns to avoid British Covid hotspot
The Scottish Government warns people not to visit areas of England affected by the new local lockdown rules.
He said travel between Scotland and parts of Greater Manchester, East Lancashire, and West Yorkshire should only be done in “absolutely essential” cases.
Those currently in the disaster area do not need to return to Scotland early.
However, they should use “special vigilance” to monitor their symptoms even after returning home.
The advice came after Nicolas Sturgeon, the first prime minister, chaired a meeting of the Scottish Government’s Resilience Committee.
Ms. Sturgeon has held an unscheduled Coronavirus briefing from 14:30.
The British Government has imposed new local restrictions, including prohibiting another household from meeting each other at home after the surge in the Covid-19 case.
Westminster Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the increase in infections was due to people visiting friends and relatives.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson was updating the UK mandate government on the reasons for the decision.
All four countries “agreed on the importance of sharing information,” Sturgeon said.
“It has always been clear that local flare-ups can occur because we keep the virus under control, but swift and appropriate action can limit their impact on a wide range of infections. She said.
“If you are planning a trip to an affected area in northern England or are planning a trip to Scotland from the same area, it is highly recommended that you cancel the plan.”
Those who need a trip “should always follow public health advice,” she added.
Areas affected by regional restrictions are:
- Greater Manchester: Manchester City, Trafford, Stockport, Oldham, Berry, Wigan, Bolton, Thamside, Rochdale, Salford
- Lancashire: Derwen, Burnley, Hindburn, Pendle, Rossendale and Blackburn
- West Yorkshire: Bradford, Calderdale, Kirkleys
Mr Hancock told BBC Breakfast that the British government has taken “targeted” action based on information gathered from contact tracking.
The new lockdown rules, which came into effect late at night, mean that people from different households are not allowed to meet in their homes or private gardens.
They also prohibit members of two different households from being confused in pubs or restaurants, but individual households can still visit such hospitality places.
Changes took place as the Muslim community prepared to celebrate Eid this weekend, and almost four weeks after deregulation across Britain, people were able to meet indoors for the first time since late March.
The same limitation applies to Leicester, which has been in local lockdown last month.
However, some strict measures will be lifted, so pubs, restaurants and other facilities can be reopened in the city on Monday.
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