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What's in it and how does it promote health?

What's in it and how does it promote health?


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Diets rich in foods rich in natural compounds called “flavonols'' are associated with a lower risk of death and disease. Image credit: Sergey Narevskih/Stocksy.
  • Flavonols are natural compounds found in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, and tea leaves.
  • New research shows that consuming a diet rich in flavonols is associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality and mortality from certain chronic diseases.
  • Rather than relying on supplements, experts recommend increasing your flavonol intake through a healthy, varied diet.

It is a type of flavonol. flavonoidsa powerful bioactive compound found in nearly all plant-based foods.

previous the study Suggests that a diet rich in flavonoids may help maintain good health blood vessels health, balance cholesterol levelreduce inflammationreduce the risk of heart disease.

They may also play a role in preventing cancer by eliminating it. carcinogen exit the body and stop cancer cell From growth and expansion.

The present prospective cohort study further highlights the potential benefits of a flavonol-rich diet in reducing mortality risk.

This new study investigated the association between dietary intake of flavonols (isorhamnetin, kaempferol, myricetin, and quercetin) and the risk of all-cause and disease-specific mortality among U.S. adults.

The survey results are Nature.

In this study, researchers analyzed flavonol intake data from three cycles of diets. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Database from 2007 to 2019.

NHANES participants were eligible to provide information on food and drink intake on two nonconsecutive 24-hour periods. This study excluded participants with missing data on dietary flavonol intake or with incomplete demographic information.

A total of 11,679 participants with a mean age of 47 years were assessed for flavonol intake and tested for disease-specific and all-cause mortality risk.

The researchers obtained data on dietary flavonol intake from: USDA Survey Food and Beverage Flavonoid ValuesMeanwhile, they used the USDA Nutrition Data Laboratory to determine the specific amount of flavonols in each food. They used this comprehensive information to calculate participants' estimated daily flavonol intake.

To analyze mortality risk, researchers National death index File and 2019 Public Access Link Mortality Dataset. We categorize mortality rates according to specific causes, including: cancer, cardiovascular disease, Diabetesand Alzheimer's disease.

The study followed participants from initial interview until death or study end in December 2019, with a median follow-up of 7.8 years.

Participants were divided into subgroups according to various criteria socio-demographic We analyze factors such as age, gender, poverty rate, and medical history to assess the impact of flavonol intake.

The researchers used a competing risks model that adjusted for multiple confounders to account for competing risks of death.

This study found that the sociodemographic groups with the highest total intake of flavonols were:

  • Male (55.84%)
  • Younger (only 2.15% are over 80)
  • Non-Hispanic White (74.6%)
  • Married or living with a partner (67.95%)
  • Those with at least a high school diploma (86.84%)
  • People living above the poverty line (89.63%)
  • Alcohol consumers (92.80%)
  • individuals with body mass index (BMI) 18.5 to 30.0 (63.50%).

A significant proportion had a history of diabetes (72.50%); high blood pressure (57.52%), Hyperlipidemia (26.58%), and heart-related symptoms (95.60% to 97.53%).

Notably, each 10-year increase in age was associated with a significantly increased risk of death. Having a BMI less than 18.5 or a history of disease was also significantly associated with a higher risk of all-cause mortality.

This data shows that although flavonol intake was highest among primarily male and non-Hispanic white participants, being female or Mexican American was associated with a lower risk of death from any cause. This suggests that they are significantly related.

After adjusting for health and sociodemographic factors, analyzes revealed significant associations between total and specific intakes of flavonols and the risk of death from various causes.

The highest intake of dietary flavonols was associated with a 55% reduction in the risk of cancer-related death, a 33% reduction in the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, and a 36% reduction in the risk of death from other causes.

Comprehensive findings also highlight specific flavonols, each contributing to a significant reduction in all-cause and disease-specific mortality risk.

Remarkably, the highest doses of myricetin showed an astounding 66% reduction in Alzheimer's disease-specific mortality risk.

The researchers found no significant correlation between dietary flavonol intake and risk of death from diabetes.

The study results also revealed that flavonol intake had a greater protective effect on all-cause mortality in people over 40 years of age than in younger people.

These findings suggest that a diet rich in flavonols may significantly reduce the risk of death from infectious diseases. cancer, Heart disease, Alzheimer's diseaseand other causes in U.S. adults, particularly in mature or aging populations.

Study results on flavonol intake and mortality are limited by a partial dataset from the NHANES database and estimates of flavonol intake that may not accurately reflect intake during the study period.

Further studies considering additional dietary factors such as total caloric intake and use of micronutrient supplements that may influence the observed flavonol effects are needed to confirm the results.

Today's medical news discussed this research Dr. Thomas M. Hollanda physician-scientist at the RUSH Institute for Healthy Aging at Rush University System for Health, was not involved in the study.

He said: “[I]Establishing dietary intake of flavonoids from 24-hour recalls is a bit more difficult, as opposed to meal frequency questionnaires, which provide a little more solid data about typical food intake habits and behaviors. ”

However, he suggested that the 24-hour recall provided adequate data and that the study design and sample size were strengths.

health benefits flavonoids Although well established, this study is the first to thoroughly investigate the relationship between dietary flavonol intake and cause-specific mortality in humans.

So, despite its limitations, Dr. Holland explained,




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