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African health ministers work to eradicate malaria deaths – Burkina Faso

African health ministers work to eradicate malaria deaths – Burkina Faso
African health ministers work to eradicate malaria deaths – Burkina Faso


Yaounde, March 6th — Health ministers from the African countries most affected by malaria today committed to accelerating action to end malaria deaths. They pledged to sustainably and equitably address the threat of malaria in Africa, which accounts for 95% of the world's malaria deaths.

Ministers gathered in Yaounde, Cameroon, to sign a declaration pledging stronger leadership and increased domestic funding for malaria control programs. To secure further investment in data technology. Applying the latest technical guidance to malaria control and eradication. and strengthen malaria control efforts at the national and subnational levels.

The Minister also pledged to increase investment in the health sector to strengthen infrastructure, personnel and program implementation. Strengthen multidisciplinary cooperation. Build partnerships for funding, research and innovation. In signing the Declaration, both countries expressed their “unwavering commitment to the accelerated reduction of malaria mortality” and “holding each other and our countries accountable to the commitments outlined in this Declaration.”

The Yaounde conference, co-hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Government of Cameroon, brought together ministers of health, global malaria partners, funding agencies, scientists, civil society organizations and other key malaria stakeholders.

This ministerial meeting has four main objectives. The first is to review progress and challenges in achieving the goals of the WHO Global Malaria Strategy. Discuss malaria mitigation strategies and financing. Agree on effective strategies and responses to accelerate the reduction of malaria mortality in Africa. and establish a roadmap to strengthen political and societal engagement in malaria control, with clear accountability mechanisms.

“This declaration reflects our shared determination as nations and partners to protect our populations from the devastating effects of malaria. We are committed to ensuring that this commitment is reflected in our actions and impact. We will continue to work together,” said Hon Manauda Malachi, Cameroon's Minister of Health.

The African region includes 11 countries: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Sudan, Uganda, and Tanzania, and is responsible for approximately 70% of the world's malaria burden. Factors such as humanitarian crises, low access to and inadequate quality of health services, climate change, gender-related barriers, biological threats such as pesticides and drug resistance, and the global economy are contributing to these high burdens in Africa. Progress in malaria control has stalled in countries since 2017. crisis. Weak health systems and critical gaps in data and surveillance compound the challenges.

Globally, there is insufficient funding for malaria control. In 2022, US$4.1 billion, just over half of the required budget, was available for malaria control.

Globally, the number of infected people in 2022 will be significantly higher than before the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing from 233 million in 2019 to 249 million. During the same period, the number of infections in the African region rose from 218 million to 233 million. The region continues to bear the heaviest burden of malaria, accounting for 94% of global malaria cases and 95% of global deaths, with an estimated 580,000 deaths in 2022.

WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “The world has made great progress in combating malaria in recent decades, but progress has stalled since 2017.” “The COVID-19 pandemic and long-standing threats such as drug and insecticide resistance have created critical gaps in access to funding and tools to prevent, diagnose and treat malaria, forcing us to further We have gone off track. Through political leadership, country ownership and the efforts of a broad coalition of partners, we can change this narrative for families and communities across Africa.”

To accelerate efforts to reduce the burden of malaria, WHO and the RBM Partnership to Eliminate Malaria launched the 'High Burden to High Impact' approach in 2018. This is a targeted effort to accelerate progress in countries hardest hit by malaria.

The declaration signed at today's meeting is in line with the 'From High Burden to High Impact' approach, which is based on four pillars: Strategic information to increase your influence. Better guidance, policies and strategies. and a coordinated response to malaria nationwide.

“Malaria continues to cause preventable child deaths and great devastation to families across our region. We welcome the Ministerial Declaration,” said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa. “With renewed urgency and commitment, we can accelerate progress towards a malaria-free future.”

To put malaria back on track, WHO recommends strong malaria control efforts at all levels, especially in high-infection countries. Expanding domestic and international funding. Malaria control based on science and data. Urgent action on the health impacts of climate change. Leverage research and innovation. So are strong partnerships for a coordinated response. WHO also calls attention to the need to address delays in malaria program implementation




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