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Microsoft will remove Cortana from Herman Kardon calls and Surface headphones in 2021


In February, Microsoft announced a gradual phase out of Cortana functionality on mobile and other devices. This means that a third party Harman Kardon Invoke is included in it. Microsoft announced Friday that these changes, including Invoke, will take place in early 2021, but the company will offer gift cards of up to $50 to make the deal even smoother.

Microsoft announced Friday that it would eliminate a third-party Cortana skill Cortana plugin, which could be used to request a summary of Fitbit activity, by September 7, for example. In January 2021, mobile Cortana apps for iOS and Android will stop working. It also states that by early 2021, Invoke’s Cortana feature will no longer exist.

There is also another unexpected change to Microsoft’s device integration. Microsoft said it plans to remove most of Cortana’s features from first-generation Surface headphones as well.

Microsoft has publicly moved Cortana from a general-purpose assistant at the launch of Windows 10 to a business-oriented or transformative AI-assisted assistant experience. Perhaps more importantly, Cortana is positioned as part of Microsoft’s other services, not as an AI that powers Microsoft’s surface and other hardware. Microsoft is on the road to introducing Cortana into the Microsoft 365 experience to help keep connectivity and productivity efficient and secure, the company said in one of its supporting documents describing the new changes. Did.

What Cortana abolition means to Invoke

Cortana’s vice president of corporate, Andrew Schumann, told PCWorld in May that he would mostly play music, rather than use it as the smart speaker Microsoft originally envisioned. The above. Honestly, it was a play artist or play genre because people can’t remember the right wording, such as song titles or album names.

Changes to Invoke will be made through a firmware update that will be rolled out around the end of January 2021, according to Microsoft. This update removes the Cortana feature, but it is designed to move Invoke from a smart speaker to a dumb speaker, leaving all that functionality intact and instead connecting via Bluetooth.

Mark Hackman / IDG

The cool blue ring that Cortana was listening to on was one of the things Microsoft removes from Invoke.

Firmware updates will be automatically delivered to devices connected to WiFi within 6 months of release, Microsoft said, and specified what would happen if Invoke didn’t connect to Wi-Fi for 6 months. Is not … Once the Invoke is updated, Cortana will not be accessible from your device. Invoke can be further updated via the Cortana Device Setup app on Windows 10.

In any case, Microsoft said it would offer Invoke owners a $50 gift card in one catch. The Cortana feature must have been triggered by Microsoft’s announcement from July 31, 2019 to Friday. If so, you can go to the Invoke / Cortana support page and apply for a gift card at the redemption site. You will need to enter the Invokes MAC address printed on the bottom of the unit.

Surface headphones also lose Cortana

Microsoft also offers a $25 gift card to anyone who purchases first-generation Surface headphones under the same terms. After July 31, 2019, you must use your headphones to initiate a voice request prior to today’s announcement.

Using headphones will reduce Cortana’s integration, but not completely. In the support documentation, Microsoft describes the changes. When using Surface Headphones on Android and iOS devices, saying Cortana or pressing and holding the touchpad with either ear does not activate Cortana. The same feature applies to Windows 10 PCs running the May 2020 update, but keep pressing the touchpad on your Surface headphones or activating Cortana by saying “Hey Cortana” to check your calendar, You can configure settings, reminders, and add them to your to-do list.

Mark Hackman / IDG

The noise canceling technology of Surface Headphones is maintained, but your ability to talk to Cortana is significantly reduced.

Similarly, the Mobile Cortana app is obsolete and you cannot use it to update your headphones. Replaced by the Surface Audio app (iOS, Android, Windows).

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