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How type 2 diabetes medications can help reduce symptoms

How type 2 diabetes medications can help reduce symptoms
How type 2 diabetes medications can help reduce symptoms


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Researchers are hopeful that drugs used for type 2 diabetes may be effective in treating depression.Yana Iskaeva/Getty Images
  • A new diabetes drug appears to be effective in treating depression-like symptoms in mice.
  • Researchers say that reproducing these results in humans could pave the way to treatments for depression with fewer side effects than current chemical antidepressants.
  • They added that this study advances understanding of the link between metabolic factors in the body and psychological states.

It is a type 2 diabetes treatment that belongs to the . drugs in the same class Weight loss drugs Ozempic and Wigovy could be a new treatment for depression, according to a researcher. study Published in today's magazine brain and behavior.

The researchers reported that they administered the following treatments to mice: dulaglutide — Long-acting glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1) — reduced depression even after exposure to 4 weeks of chronic stress compared to control mice that received no treatment under the same conditions. Along with the medication, which had less disease-like behavior.

“Currently, widely available drug treatments are synthetic chemical antidepressants, which take weeks or months to elicit a response, have some side effects, and can even be toxic at high doses. ” wrote the study authors. “Therefore, new treatments with fewer side effects and higher efficacy are urgently needed.”

The scientists also observed chemical changes in the mice, including 64 different metabolites affected by the drug and four chemical pathways that appear to induce depression-like behavioral changes.

These findings follow similar mouse studies on dulaglutide, which suggest that dulaglutide may improve vascular dementia, enhance memory performance, and reduce cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. pointed out the study authors.

“Overall, this is a robust animal model study,” he said. Dr.Jagdish HubchandaniHe is a public health professor at New Mexico State University but was not involved in the study.

“The challenge…is that the impact on human health is unknown, and depression is a complex disease that affects multiple parts of the brain, so it wasn't investigated in this study, so all parts of the brain were studied.” “It has not been done,” he said. Today's medical news.

Dr. Angela FitchThe president of the Obesity Medicine Society and Knownwell's chief medical officer agreed.

“We don't know if this applies to humans, but we do have a good understanding of some of the mechanisms behind GLP-1 and mood and behavior. This whole thing requires further research.” said Fitch, who was not involved in the. Today's medical news.

It may seem surprising that a class of drugs called GLP-1 agonists may be effective in treating neurological conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and even depression, but experts say It states that there are good social and cognitive reasons for the association.

“Several metabolic disorders, such as obesity and diabetes, are major risk factors for depression,” the study authors noted. “Indeed, the successful application of antidiabetic drugs in the treatment of neurological diseases suggests that similar drugs may also have beneficial effects on depression.”

“Activation of the GLP-1 receptor does many wonderful things for the human body and is good for us for many reasons,” Fitch said. “Activation of GLP-1 receptors can cause a variety of changes in neurotransmitters that directly affect our mood. Weight issues can cause problems with sleep and activity (for reasons such as joint pain). The more weight you lose, the better you sleep, the more you move, and the better you feel.”

In turn, GLP-1 RAs may also be able to influence how the body produces and expends energy.

“GLP-1 agonists affect energy metabolism, so changes in energy production and expenditure can have multiple effects on brain function,” Khubchandani said. “Further research is also needed into the long-term effects on brain structure.”

So far, studies using dulaglutide to treat depression and other neurological conditions have been limited to animal studies. That means more research is needed and more time is needed before these treatments are tested and deemed safe and effective for humans.

But experts say these studies are needed to learn about the mechanisms of an increasingly popular class of drugs.

In the meantime, if you're experiencing symptoms of depression, experts advise seeking help from a mental health professional.

“Mood changes should not be taken lightly,” Fitch said. “Healthy nutrition, quality sleep, and more physical activity can also help improve your mood, but sometimes medication is needed to treat depression. Look at your big picture and assess your mood, It's important to have a doctor who can help you optimize your lifestyle, your weight, and how it all relates to each other. A holistic, holistic approach to your overall health of body and mind is important.”




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