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Do you really want to know if you will get Alzheimer's disease?

Do you really want to know if you will get Alzheimer's disease?


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A few years ago, researchers made the shocking discovery that disordered clumps of abnormal proteins continued to grow in the brains of Alzheimer's patients for 15 or even 20 years before diagnosis. That means these pathological-looking deposits are silently building up in the brains of millions of seemingly healthy people in their 50s and 60s.

Recently, scientists discovered that blood tests can detect that silent damage with surprising accuracy. About 13% of people between the ages of 75 and 84 have Alzheimer's disease, meaning a significant proportion of younger people should test positive. But is it better to know?

Blood tests should be able to predict who will develop Alzheimer's disease. file image

There are few Alzheimer's drugs for people with symptoms, and none for people who don't have symptoms. The main drug is an expensive antibody drip that removes most of the visible deposits called amyloid but does not slow neuron degeneration. These have shown only moderate ability to slow disease progression. Nothing can reverse that trend.

The blood test causing all the excitement measures levels of a protein called p-tau 217. natural medicine And another article was published in January. American Medical Association Journal showed that this test works similarly to other Alzheimer's disease diagnostic methods, such as PET scans and cerebrospinal fluid sampling after lumbar puncture. This means that this is not just a predictor of risk, but is likely an indication that something is already wrong with the brain.

Some doctors predict that Alzheimer's disease testing will become as routine as a cholesterol test, but of course the results are likely to be far more frightening and, for now, dramatically less practical. Not the point.

Henrik Zetterberg, a professor of neurochemistry at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, said the test works so well because it “really reflects the core pathology of Alzheimer's disease.”

The progression to true Alzheimer's disease begins when changes occur within neurons, including the accumulation of another protein called tau tangles. At that stage, neurons begin to shrink, producing a modified protein, p-tau 217, in the process.

But it's not clear what people can do about knowing that p-tau 217 is elevated. Scott Small, a neurologist at Columbia University in New York, said the question came up in a recent conversation with his colleagues, most of whom were his colleagues. He said he would take one of the available antibody drugs.

These drugs do an amazing job of removing amyloid plaques. These are like “nests of wire” that contaminate the brain and are the most visible sign of the disease during autopsy, Small said. But scientists still disagree on the relationship between amyloid plaques and the cognitive effects of the disease. He says these drugs do not untangle tau or stop neurons from dying. At best, it slows the progression of the disease by about 30%.




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