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Actor Jesse Metcalfe toppled this West Hollywood home, it’s back on the market for $ 2.25 million


In addition to playing TV, Jesse Metcalfe renovates and returns homes in his spare time. A WeHo home he sold in 2018 is on sale again.


In addition to playing dudes on TV shows like “Desperate Housewives,” “Dallas” and “Passions,” the actor Jesse metcalfe renovates and changes houses in his spare time.

In 2017, Metcalfe paid $ 1,158,500 for a West Hollywood house built in the 1920s, and immediately took care of a renovation.

He updated the charming home with modern fixtures and hardware, updated and lightened the color scheme, and restored the original hardwood floors.

The following year, after Metcalfe had worked his magic, the music director and real estate investor David Benveniste paid $ 1,807,000 for Jewel of West Hollywood. The sale price has proven to be a significant return on investment for Metcalfe.

Now, two years later, Benveniste has put the place back on the market for $ 2.25 million. It’s a modern celebrity makeover, with tons of old-fashioned charm.

The comfortable bungalow is 1330 square feet relatively small. It has a large open room, with a living room, a dining area and a kitchen area.

A real highlight is the fact that the house has two master suites, each with its own bathroom.

Jesse Metcalfe’s Great Renovation Room in West Hollywood

Master suite

Second parental suite

At the rear, an independent structure has been converted into a separate bonus bedroom with a bathroom. It can be used as secondary accommodation, a studio or an additional bedroom.

Independent studio

There is a nice little brick patio to the rear and the house is surrounded by drought tolerant landscaping.

Brick patio

Particular attention has been devoted to the open kitchen, which now includes professional quality appliances. It also has huge black marble, an island bordered by a waterfall, as well as plenty of custom cabinetry for storage space.


The elegant home is located in the heart of West Hollywood’s “Norma Triangle”, a chic little pocket bordered by famous Doheny Drive, Santa Monica Boulevard and Sunset Boulevard.

On the border of West Hollywood and Beverly Hills, this home is within walking distance of many of the area’s high-end shops and restaurants.

Benveniste is CEO of Velvet Hammer Music and Management Group, which represents a number of high profile musicians. His business also includes a publishing branch and a record company. The bungalow returned by Metcalfe is one of the many luxury real estate properties in which Benveniste has invested.

In addition to renovating, returning and starring in the aforementioned TV shows, Metcalfe starred in the Hallmark Channel hit series “Chesapeake Shores”.

The property is listed with Josh Morrow from the Aaron Kirman group at Compass.

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