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Measles outbreak in Chicago: Second child at Pilsen immigrant shelter becomes the city's third confirmed case. CDPH announces CDC will send response team

Measles outbreak in Chicago: Second child at Pilsen immigrant shelter becomes the city's third confirmed case. CDPH announces CDC will send response team


CHICAGO (WLS) — The video in the player above is from a previous report.

A second case of measles infection in a child living in a migrant shelter in Pilsen was announced on Sunday, making it the third case in the city since Thursday.

A team from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will be sent to Chicago to assist with the response, the city said.

The child infected with measles is hospitalized in good condition, CDPH officials said.

The first child has recovered and is no longer contagious.

Investigations are underway to determine who the children may have come into contact with during the epidemic.

Part of that requirement is that anyone at the shelter in the 2200 block of South Halsted Street who has not received a measles vaccination must stay until they are tested.

Dr. Damilola Adeyemi says people who receive the measles vaccine as children have lifelong protection.

Other health officials are concerned this could turn into an outbreak.

“Measles is the most spreadable, common infectious disease other than the common cold, and it's more serious,” said Dr. Howard Ehrman, a former assistant Chicago health commissioner.

Ehrman joined local organizations and met with city leaders to try to do better at protecting the health of these new arrivals. Annie Gomberg, a response layer volunteer at the police department, said she expected something like this to happen because of the lack of safety protocols.

“This is exactly what we predicted would happen,” Gomberg said. “Over and over again, we said to the mayor's office, it was just a matter of time.”

Gomberg volunteers at several shelters in the city, but said there aren't enough vaccination records being checked for each person.

“They're doing observational testing. There's also questionnaires. They're making sure the new arrivals don't have any serious medical problems,” she said.

Aldo. 25th Ward Representative Byron Sigcho Lopez said there are 1,876 people living in the ward, including 95 young children between the ages of 1 and 2.

“This is a public health issue, it's about every Chicagoan, it's about every resident to make sure we protect our children,” he said.

Aldo. Sigcho López said health screenings for new arrivals should be carried out by each state at the point of landing to avoid vaccination hesitancy, which is the reality for some.

“Unfortunately, if this is not a precaution at the landing zone, if this is not a precaution at the approach point, you will always be at high risk,” he said.

The Chicago Department of Public Health said Friday that a vaccination team is stationed at the shelter and that “a case investigation is underway to provide information to those who may have been in contact with them during their infection and to ensure they are vaccinated.” “No other cases have been confirmed.”

This is the second case in Chicago. Investigations are ongoing to identify potential victims. The first patient was exposed on the Northside.

The patient came to Swedish Hospital's Galter Pavilion in the 5100 block of Northern California last Tuesday seeking treatment.

The patient also rode the Foster CTA bus number 92 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. She is currently recuperating at her home.

“Measles is highly contagious,” said Dr. Jonathan Pinsky of Endeavor Edward Hospital. It can spread so quickly that just one infected person can cause a major outbreak. ”

CDPH, the Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS), and other city officials began assessing the vaccination status of all shelter residents Friday morning.

It also secured increased funding for meal services for those who must stay on-site.

The health department is also distributing additional masks and other personal protective equipment to residents and staff.

Dr. Pinsky said the best way to protect yourself now is to get vaccinated.

“Measles is highly contagious,” Dr. Pinsky said. “For people without immunity, up to 80% of people will become infected after exposure, but if you are fully immunized, vaccinated, or were born before 1957, you may be more likely to become infected. will be very low.”

Health officials say measles is making a comeback because of vaccine hesitancy.

There were 41 cases in the U.S. in the first two months of this year, compared to just 58 for all of last year.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that children receive two doses of the MMR vaccine.

The first vaccination is given at 12 to 15 months of age. The second dose is given between the ages of 4 and 6.

Adults who are not yet immunized are also eligible to receive one dose of the vaccine.

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