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Summary of national and international news – 31 July 2020 – Mimi Mefo Info

A woman whose name we took as Ngo Ndje Blandine has been beaten to death, so that individuals have not yet been identified. She was killed in the Valle St Thomas neighborhood in Logbaba of Doauala III Sub Division. Local reports say she was killed and her body dumped on the side of the road, around 8pm, on Thursday 30 July 2020. Although her assassins are still at large, law enforcement was in place to assess the situation. .

Women in Cameroon joined their peers across Africa today, July 31, to commemorate the 58th edition of International African Women’s Day with the theme “African Women and the Challenges of Love 19”. Women in the Southwest region say that before the advent of covid-19, they had a more difficult challenge in the region, which is the ongoing war. Converting to Buea, Ms. Eteki Stella, the interim South-West delegate for women’s empowerment, begged the South-West Region not to take sides in the ongoing war against covid-19.

Residents of the Monga Mungung Division regret paying the highest socio-economic price of armed conflict in the North-West and South-West regions. The main stretch of the ring road, which connects the Division with the regional capital North-West-Bamenda has remained closed for three years, despite calls from people.
The only way for people to reach Bamenda from Nkambe is through Ndu-Ntumbaw-Ntaba to Mboh-Nsoh-Magba-Foumban-Bafoussam in the Western Region and then Bamenda. Fairs have increased from 5000 to 25.000fr.

Users of the Nkambe-Ndu road extension in the Mantung Division are calling on the Cameroonian government to come to their rescue.
The road is in a miserable condition
and traveling through it all is a real nightmare.
The 40 km distance which used to be covered in less than an hour now lasts more than 4 hours.
Fairs between Ndu and Nkambe have doubled as a result.

The family of Lydienne, the University student killed at the DO Lokoundje’s residence in the Ocean Division in the southern region of Cameroon, says the facts and evidence on the murder of their daughter have been deliberately erased. They are irritated that the DO residence was not sealed after the incident. A situation that allowed unknown individuals to wipe the blood stain at the scene of their daughter’s murder. They were speaking today during the process to compile facts about the murder of their daughter.

The family of Lydienne University student killed at the DO Lokoundje residence in the oceanic division of the South Cameroon Region say the facts and evidence on the murder of their daughter have been deliberately erased. They are irritated that the DO residence was not sealed after the incident. A situation that allowed unknown individuals to wipe the blood stain on their daughter’s mud scene. They were speaking today during the process to compose facts on Lydienne’s mud.

Coronavirus imposes behavior changes with some Muslim believers allowed to pray in the Mosques in Douala to mark the feast of sacrifice. COVID-19 prevention measures such as; hand washing, use of face masks and sanitizers are strictly observed.

Muslim leaders have prayed for peace and good health in Cameroon. To mark the Feast of Sacrifice, preachers in various mosques stressed the need for people to respect the measures set by the government and the World Health Organization.

Mandela Center International is asking the Cameroonian government to pay compensation to Mr Yaya Sule released from the Ndop police station after 30 days of arbitrary detention. The center says SDO, Quetong Handerson Kongeh planned the arrest.

Cameroonians have been black for Stephen Tataw, once iconic once Cameroon Independent Lions football captain. Stephen Tataw moved to Yaounde today at the age of 57. He will be remembered for leading the team that recorded the best World Cup performance for Cameroon in 1990.

At least 15 cows belonging to the people of the Mbororo community reported being killed by separatist fighters in the village of Konchep, near Nkambe in the Monga Dante Division. The boys allegedly carried out the action to avenge the murder of their colleague by assuming Mbororos.

The army in the Democratic Republic of Congo is looking for a soldier who killed 13 people, including women and children, in the eastern city of Uvira. He was drunk at the time he shot them Thursday night. Angry crowds demonstrated Friday morning in the lake town to demand that army battalion personnel in the area be changed.

The arrest of 33 suspected Russian mercenaries in Belarus believed to be plotting “terrorism” ahead of the country’s August 9 presidential election has brought to the forefront the Wagner group and its suspected operations in Africa. Reports from UN investigators, the US military and journalists have documented Wagner’s operations in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Sudan and the Central African Republic. The Russian government denies any connection to the group.

The charity Save the Children says the escalation of ethnic violence in Sudan’s Darfur region has forced it to close two health facilities and a field office, depriving 14,000 children of essential services. She said they were the only centers providing food and health care for children in the area.

This year’s celebrations for the Eid al-Adha festival have been influenced by restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Under normal circumstances, Muslim families and friends would gather to pray together and share food, but the pandemic has changed the way this Islamic tradition is respected.

A drunken soldier in the Democratic Republic of Congo has opened fire on passers-by, killing at least 12 people and injuring several others. One of the victims is reported to have been a two-year-old girl. The shooting took place Thursday in the eastern province of Kivu.

Zambia Football Association Faz has canceled its domestic league following an attack on Covid-19 issues. Faz General Secretary Adrian Kashala said the league would end on August 6 by which time all teams would have played 27 rounds of matches. The league resumed two weeks ago after being suspended prematurely in March over concerns about the coronavirus pandemic.

Foreign News: BBC

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