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World Kidney Day 2024: Best and worst foods for kidney health | Health

World Kidney Day 2024: Best and worst foods for kidney health | Health


World Kidney Day 2024: kidneyOne of the most important organs in our bodies, this organ helps us retain the good, eliminate the bad, and maintain a healthy balance of essentials such as water, salt, and important minerals. will help you. These are natural filters that we can rely on for the healthy functioning of our bodies. However, like any other organ, the kidneys require care and nutrition to function optimally.Not drinking enough water, eating processed or sweet foods, or having a chronic disease, such as: Diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease can affect the kidneys and their function. (Also read: 7 Telltale Signs of Kidney Disease You May Be Ignoring)

World Kidney Day 2024: When your kidneys malfunction, you may experience symptoms such as changes in the appearance of your urine, nighttime urination, fatigue, swelling around the eyes, and itching.  (Freepik)
World Kidney Day 2024: When your kidneys malfunction, you may experience symptoms such as changes in the appearance of your urine, nighttime urination, fatigue, swelling around the eyes, and itching. (Freepik)

The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products and removing excess water from the body. It also helps balance high blood pressure, control red blood cell production, and maintain fluid balance in the body. When the kidneys malfunction, symptoms may include changes in the appearance of urine, nighttime urination, fatigue, swelling around the eyes, and itching.

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Diet plays an important role in caring for your kidneys and managing existing kidney disease. Eating foods low in sodium and potassium and rich in fiber helps your kidneys function better. Vegetables containing essential nutrients also help nourish the kidneys. If you have kidney problems, excessive intake of salt, alcohol, and other processed foods should be avoided at all costs.

best foods for kidneys

The kidneys are important organs that filter waste and excess water from the blood. Eating a kidney-friendly diet helps your kidneys function optimally.

“A vegetarian diet is kidney-friendly and most patients with kidney problems have high blood pressure, so a low-salt diet is essential. Low-sodium alternatives should be avoided, but foods like apples, berries, cabbage, etc. Low-potassium fruits and vegetables should be prioritized. Vegetable proteins such as soybeans, legumes, and cottage cheese can be used safely, but animal proteins such as fish, poultry, and eggs should be used in moderation. Yes. You should consume whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa. Healthy fats such as olive oil, mustard oil, and soybean oil are beneficial. Limit dairy products and choose low-fat options. I highly recommend it,” says Dr. Sanjeev Gulati, Executive Director, Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation, Fortis Escorts, Okhla Road, New Delhi.

Dr. Mohit Khirbat, Consultant Nephrology, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, recommends adding the following foods to your diet.


Most fruits are naturally low in sodium and potassium and high in fiber, all of which are beneficial to kidney health. Some of the best fruits for your kidneys include apples, berries, grapes, pears, and watermelon.

Vegetables: broccoli, cabbage

Vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are essential for kidney health. Choose vegetables that are low in starch, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, and bell peppers.

Low-fat dairy products: curd, milk

Low-fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are good sources of calcium and vitamin D, which are important for bone health. However, some dairy products are high in phosphorus, so it's important to choose low-fat or fat-free options and consume them in moderation.

Whole grains: brown rice, oats

Whole grains are a good source of fiber, which lowers cholesterol levels and helps keep you full. Healthy whole grains to include in your diet include brown rice, quinoa, oats, and whole grain bread.

Lean protein: fish, legumes

Lean protein sources such as fish, chicken, and beans are essential for maintaining muscle mass. However, red meat is rich in phosphorus, so it's important to choose lean protein sources and limit your intake of red meat.

worst foods for kidneys

“People with kidney problems should avoid foods high in potassium, such as bananas, citrus fruits, nuts, potatoes, and avocados. Avoid processed foods high in sodium, as they can increase blood pressure. You should also avoid foods high in phosphorus, such as processed meats and cheese, to prevent kidney-related complications. Sugary drinks and snacks can lead to diabetes and weight gain. Therefore, it should be eliminated from the diet. Excessive intake of protein, especially from non-vegetarian sources, can tax the kidneys due to excessive acid load. Diet plan tailored to individual needs and stage of kidney disease. It is very important to consult a nephrologist to adjust the ,” says Dr. Gulati.

Too much sodium can increase blood pressure and put strain on your kidneys. Limit processed foods, canned foods, restaurant meals, cured meats, and salty snacks. Dr. Hilbat says the following foods should be avoided to improve kidney function:


Phosphorus is a mineral that occurs naturally in many foods. However, people with kidney disease often need to limit their phosphorus intake. Foods high in phosphorus include dairy products, red meat, organ meats, processed foods, and certain nuts and seeds.


Potassium is also an essential nutrient, but people with kidney disease may need to limit their potassium intake. Foods high in potassium include bananas, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, and certain leafy green vegetables. These foods can cause weight gain and inflammation, which can worsen kidney disease.


Limit sugary drinks, pastries, white bread, and white rice. Excessive alcohol consumption can increase blood pressure and reduce kidney function.




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