Clinical trial aims to offer surgical solution to patients with 'inoperable' pancreatic tumors
a Clinical trials from Keck Medicine at USC aims to provide surgical solutions to patients with advanced pancreatic cancer that was previously considered inoperable.
In this study, a new type of surgery to remove the cancer followed by chemotherapy was used to treat locally advanced pancreatic cancer (cancer that has not spread to other organs but has grown to or near nearby organs). The plan is to investigate whether it is a safe and effective option for patients with cancer. Blood vessels surrounding the pancreas.
This type of tumor usually cannot be safely removed by surgery because of the risk of damaging blood vessels that supply blood to the stomach, liver, and other abdominal organs. However, with recent advances by Keck Medicine surgeons, we believe that patients with locally advanced cancer may be candidates for successful surgery, which could significantly improve outcomes. ”
Steven Grossman, MD, co-principal investigator of this study
Dr. Grossman is a medical oncologist and associate director of cancer services at Keck Medicine. USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, part of Keck Medicine.
Challenges in pancreatic cancer treatment
Although pancreatic cancer accounts for only about 3% of cancers in the United States, it is one of the deadliest cancers. Symptoms usually do not appear until the cancer is very large or has spread throughout the body, leading to delayed cancer detection and poor prognosis for patients.
only 13% pancreatic cancer patient Survival 5 years or more after diagnosis.
The life expectancy of patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer, which accounts for one-third of all pancreatic cancer cases, has historically been approximately one year.
For most types of cancer, surgery is considered the most effective treatment for localized tumors that have not spread to other areas of the body. However, surgery for tumors involving blood vessels near the pancreas has not traditionally been performed. This is because if blood vessels are damaged during surgery and blood flow to organs is cut off, it can lead to serious side effects or death.
Therefore, the only treatment options for patients with locally advanced cancer are usually chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy, both of which have limited efficacy in killing pancreatic cancer cells.
“Studies show that in the rare cases where locally advanced tumors are safely removed, disease progression slows and patients' average survival increases from 1 year to 28 months, and life expectancy more than doubles. The situation is frustrating as it has been shown.'' said “We're thrilled to be able to help patients with this disease,” said Sandra Algaze, M.D., a medical oncologist at Keck Medicine. members of Norris from the University of Southern California and one of the researchers on the study. “Surgery therefore appears to offer a significant benefit to patient survival, which is why the medical field has been eager for surgical solutions.”
How new advances in surgery can benefit patients
The clinical trial will use a surgical protocol pioneered by Keck Medicine surgeons to safely remove locally advanced pancreatic tumors attached to arteries.The surgical team will be led by the study's co-principal investigators Dr. Yuri Genik, ahHe is a biliary and pancreatic surgeon at Keck Medicine who specializes in vascular reconstruction, which is the removal and reconstruction of blood vessels. Genyk has already successfully removed about 30 pancreatic tumors attached to adjacent arteries.
“This surgery is very complex, but we have the skills and expertise to perform it and train other skilled surgeons to do this surgery. “We think it has the potential to become the gold standard for treating stage pancreatic cancer in the future,” Genik said.
Patients in clinical trials first receive chemotherapy to try to shrink their tumors. Two to eight weeks after chemotherapy ends, the patient undergoes laparoscopy to confirm the location and size of the tumor, then surgically remove the tumor and remove and reconstruct the involved blood vessels.
Patients will be followed every 3 months for the first postoperative year and every 6 months for the next 2 years.
The trial will also examine whether certain biomarkers, such as tumor DNA, and patient demographic factors, such as age and gender, influence patient outcomes.
The study hopes to enroll 20 patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer who have evidence of tumor invasion of the arteries. The surgery will be performed at the following locations: Keck Hospital of the University of Southern California.
“Pancreatic cancer is a devastating diagnosis, and Keck Medicine is committed to finding better solutions to this disease,” said Grossman. “Anything we can do to improve patients' quality of life and extend life expectancy will be a major milestone that will benefit countless patients and their loved ones.”
If you are interested in participating in the study, please contact Charlean Ketchens, RN (323) 865-3035 or [email protected].
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