Duchess Kate has revealed that she has been diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing treatment. What is preventive chemotherapy?
Catherine, Princess of Wales, announced on Friday Doctors announced that they discovered the cancer during tests performed after she underwent major abdominal surgery in January. The 42-year-old princess said in a video that she is currently undergoing preventive chemotherapy on the advice of her medical team. Here's what could be involved:
What is preventive chemotherapy?
preventive chemotherapyAccording to , this is usually called “adjuvant chemotherapy” and is an early treatment used to reduce the chance of cancer coming back, even if all visible cancer has been surgically removed. mayo clinic.
When cancer is removed from the body, there is always a chance that tiny undetectable parts of the cancer remain and can grow. Dr. John LaPook, chief medical correspondent for CBS News, said the treatment aims to wipe out those tiny cells.
“The idea is that maybe there are tiny microscopic cells somewhere, and we don't want to give them a chance to grow,” LaPook explained. “I want to nail it right now, before it has hardened and grown into a big chunk.”
How is the treatment performed?
There are many types of adjuvant therapy, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy. The princess is undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy, the most common form of cancer treatment, which typically lasts three months, Lapook explained.
Treatment is given in a variety of ways, including tablets, drops, creams, and injections, depending on the type of cancer. Mayo Clinic says. In the most common scenario, chemotherapy is given as an injection into a vein, usually by inserting a tube with a needle into a vein in your arm.
What are the possible side effects?
Although this type of treatment attempts to prevent cancer from growing and spreading, it is still an intensive process that can have multiple potential side effects, including fatigue and increased risk of infection, LaPook said. said.
According to the Mayo Clinic, there are other possibilities Side effects include: Nausea, hair loss, canker sores, loss of appetite, easy bruising, and bleeding. The clinic says many of these can be prevented or treated with treatment.
However, the clinic outlines that there are some long-term side effects that may not appear until months or years after chemotherapy, including lung tissue damage, heart problems, infertility, and the risk of second cancers. ing.
Is it effective?
The success of preventive chemotherapy depends on the type of cancer, how advanced the cancer is, and what stage the patient is at, the Mayo Clinic says.
LaPook spoke to cancer experts at New York University Langone Health who said that while the process can be difficult, “people then recover 100% in terms of regaining strength and returning to normal function.” There is a trend,” he said.
He added that the fact that this appears to have been caught early is a potentially good sign for the princess.
“We're shocked and she's shocked, but in the grand scheme of things, it's actually relatively reassuring that it was caught this early,” La Pouc said.
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