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With the construction of the Ram temple, the purchase of Ayodhyato- The New Indian Express


LIMITED: The construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya, a major event in itself, is expected to kick off a Temple City makeover. From an elevated road and a theme park in a Ramayan district and a Ram katha park, the city will get a whole new look The movement before and after the Ayodhya temple has lagged behind in all the economic parameters of development.

The nearest airport in Faizabad was actualized in 2014, has no major industry to boast of and no lucrative jobs, although the literacy rate at 78.15% is higher than the Uttar Pradesh average of 67.68% . Ayodhya’s predominantly agrarian support is declining as productivity has plummeted. The good news is that the city temple will be turned into a corner.

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The impending construction of the temple, wrapped up by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 5, promises to elicit dozens of development schemes for which the project is ready. The foundation for many schemes would be laid on the same day. In general, the Prime Minister will launch and lay the foundations of development projects with a current value of Rs 477.91.

Prime Minister Yogi Adityanath is credited with starting most of the work since 2017 when the BJP government took over: Faizabad district was renamed Ayodhya and the city was modernized as a municipal corporation to improve civic standards. The CM has made at least two dozen visits to Ayodhya since receiving the indictment.

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These resulted in Diwali being celebrated on a large scale. The government set a Guinness World Record last year by illuminating the city with over half a million diyas on the shores of Saryu.Besides, infrastructure projects worth $ Rs350 crust are being completed by the end of this year. Some of them, delayed due to Covid-19, are: an international airport of Rs640 origin, a statue of Lord Ram and an upscale, ultra-modern city, Navya Ayodhya.

An artist gives the final touch
a sculpture in front of the foundation
Ram’s throwing ceremony
Temple | bad

The UP government has already issued the Rs400 crown for the proposed airport. The existing 1.5 km long and 30 meters wide airspace will be redeveloped to handle the largest aircraft for international operations. It should be at least 45 meters wide with a 2.5 km runway to handle scheduled wide-body flights. The project covers 465 hectares.

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Most exciting will be the tallest statue proposed by Lord Rama – at 221 meters – 38 meters taller than the current tallest Statue of Unity in Gujarat. According to the preliminary model, the 150-meter bronze statue will stand on a 50-meter pedestal, covered under a hood of another 20 meters. He will point to Lord Rama holding a bow in his left hand and an arrow in his right. The statue will stand far from the temple.

The government has allocated the Rs200 crown for soil testing, wind tunnel testing, design development and a DPR preparation. A guide to ‘Navya Ayodhya’, a town spanning nearly 500 acres, is ready. The city will emerge between Ajodhya and Faizabad. It is estimated to cost 1,100 Rro crores. A ‘Katha Kunj’ depicting over 100 instances from the life and time of Lord Rama through statues and idols is on the edge. Work is already underway at a special workshop in Ayodhya. Over 125 statues depicting the life of Lord Ram in Guptar Ghat along Saryu will be shown.

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