New epilepsy surveillance unit opens in Manitoba

A new four-bed epilepsy monitoring unit in Winnipeg will help people with epilepsy receive better treatment, the province says.
The ward began opening in phases at the Health Sciences Center in January, replacing a two-bed ward that was closed at the end of 2019 due to staffing shortages and equipment breakdowns, Health Minister Asagwala Uzoma told a press conference on Tuesday. He said that this update was a “state of emergency declaration.” A “game changer” for epilepsy patients.
Dr. Manon Pelletier said: “Today we are particularly celebrating HSC's ability to provide epilepsy and neurosurgical patients with an order of magnitude higher level of care than we have previously been able to provide. It's a development.” , the hospital's chief medical officer.
Pelletier said the unit is expected to be fully operational in the coming months and is expected to help reduce the need for emergency room visits, MRIs and other interventions for epilepsy patients.
The province announced in a news release that the government will provide $2.3 million in capital funding for the new facility, with an additional $2.5 million annually in operating costs.
Most epilepsy patients can manage their symptoms with medications, but if long-term drug therapy is ineffective, patients are referred to epilepsy monitoring to determine why medications are not working and whether surgery is a better option. will be done. said the state.
The state said the monitoring provided by the new unit will allow more epilepsy patients to better understand how changes in the brain's electrical activity relate to their symptoms.
Asakawara said the ward currently also has a full-time nursing team and admits 10 to 12 patients each month, with room for expansion.
An adjacent neurological recovery unit also recently opened at the Winnipeg hospital, the province said.
The Health Sciences Center Foundation also spent $500,000 to build a new epilepsy monitoring unit and a new four-bed ward between the neurosurgery wards, which opened in December. This is an expansion of the existing step-down unit for neurosurgical patients and will increase epilepsy treatment capacity. The state announced that there are also surgical patients.
Pelletier said the unit has been operating at nearly 100 percent occupancy since opening.
Manitoba already has a pediatric epilepsy surgery program with a monitoring unit, but there is no program for adults yet. The new epilepsy monitoring unit is considered an important step toward establishing such a complete program, Asakawara said.
The surveillance program is expected to identify more candidates for epilepsy surgery, with the goal of recruiting more staff to support the adult surgery program, according to a state news release.
There are about 23,000 people living with epilepsy or other seizure disorders in Manitoba, and one in 10 people will experience at least one epileptic seizure in their lifetime, Asagwala said.
Pelletier said about 7,000 people are expected to benefit from Manitoba's new epilepsy monitoring unit.
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