The virus spread to cattle in multiple states

- Sick dairy cows in Kansas and Texas test positive for bird flu.
- Federal and state veterinary and public health officials are investigating a disease affecting cattle in Texas, Kansas and New Mexico.
- USDA officials say there are currently no concerns about the safety of the commercial milk supply or the risk to consumers.
Federal officials announced on March 25 that sick dairy cows in two states have tested positive for avian influenza.
As of Monday, highly pathogenic Avian influenza The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that the (HPAI) virus was detected in unpasteurized clinical milk samples taken from sick cows at two dairy farms in Kansas and one dairy farm in Texas. press release. Cows at another Texas dairy also tested positive.
USDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state veterinarian and public health officials are investigating the disease, which primarily affects older dairy cows, in these two states and New Mexico. Symptoms include decreased milk production and decreased appetite.
The Department of Agriculture wrote that the infection appears to have come from wild birds. Farms also reported that dead wild birds were found on the premises.
“At this time, there are no concerns about the safety of the commercial milk supply or that this situation poses a risk to consumer health,” the USDA wrote.
Janet Buffer, in collaboration with the Food Policy Research Institute Milken Institute School of Public Health Researchers at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., say consumers do not need to worry about the avian influenza virus or other viruses or bacteria when consuming pasteurized milk or dairy products made from pasteurized milk. , he said.
“Milk that enters the food system is tested and pasteurized to ensure it is safe for human consumption,” Buffer told Healthline. Pasteurization kills viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms in milk without changing the milk's taste, appearance, or nutritional value.
Additionally, milk from sick cows is diverted or discarded to keep it out of the food supply, the USDA wrote.
“The concern is when raw milk is purchased and consumed,” Buffer said.
The sale of raw milk, also known as unpasteurized milk,
The USDA said in a statement that federal and state agencies are conducting additional testing, including viral genomic testing. This will allow us to better understand which strains of avian influenza viruses are involved in these cases.
Initial genetic testing by the National Veterinary Services Laboratory found no changes in the virus that would make it more susceptible to infection. “[This] This would indicate that the current risk to the public remains low,” the USDA wrote.
This is the first time HPAI has been detected in dairy cows and the second time it has been detected in ruminants, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) announced in a March 25 paper. press release.
Ruminants are animals that chew the cud and include cows, goats, and sheep.
AMVA President Dr. Lena Carlson said, “The first detection of HPAI in dairy cows in Texas and Kansas is a sign of compliance with biosecurity measures, vigilance in disease surveillance, and the need to recognize when something seems 'off.' “This highlights the importance of seeking immediate veterinary attention.” release.
The USDA said in a release that on dairy farms with symptomatic herds, an average of about 10% of each affected herd is affected. Very few cows die from infectious diseases.
It added: “So far, milk production losses from symptomatic cows have been limited enough to significantly impact supply and should not impact the price of milk or other dairy products.” says the ministry.
Avian influenza A viruses fall into two categories.
- Low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI): The most common type, it does not cause any signs of disease or mild illness in chickens or other poultry.
- Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI): It can cause severe disease and high mortality in infected poultry.
Some avian influenza viruses can also spread to:
avian influenza virus
“Viruses that jump from one species to another are always a concern.” Darin Detwilerthe food safety advocate and associate professor at Northeastern University told Healthline.
“This 'flu' killed huge numbers of birds and affected the availability and cost of food.”
From 2019 to 2022, the global avian influenza pandemic resulted in the loss of 40 million domestic birds and an economic cost of $2.5 billion to $3 billion, according to a nonprofit industry report. fair.
While pasteurization protects consumers from ingesting harmful pathogens found in milk and dairy products, Buffa said they should use caution when near livestock or wildlife. This reduces the risk of contracting diseases transmitted by those animals.
“When interacting with animals such as cows, chickens, sheep, and goats, always avoid touching your face with your hands, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth,” she said. wash hands After coming into contact with an animal or its surroundings. ”
- Redness of the eyes (conjunctivitis)
- Mild flu-like upper respiratory symptoms such as cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose
- pneumonia
- heat
- muscle pain or body aches
- headache
- Malaise
- shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Milk samples taken from sick cows at two dairy farms in Kansas and one dairy farm in Texas tested positive for the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus, also known as the “avian influenza” virus. Ta. Cows at another Texas dairy also tested positive.
Agriculture Department officials said there were no concerns about the safety of the commercial milk supply due to the cow disease. Milk from affected animals is diverted or discarded to keep it out of the food supply. Milk is also pasteurized, which kills viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms.
Avian influenza viruses occur naturally in wild waterfowl, but can also infect poultry and other poultry. These viruses can also infect mammals such as domestic dogs and cats. In rare cases, people can become infected and experience symptoms ranging from mild to severe.
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