Study shows regular exercise is linked to reduced insomnia
Tired of spending sleepless nights? New research suggests that one of the most helpful things you can do may be to exercise. “Physically active people have a lower risk of insomnia symptoms and extreme sleep duration, both long and short,” said study lead author Dr. Erla. Björnsdóttir is a sleep expert, part-time lecturer and researcher at Reykjavík University. The study, published Tuesday in the journal BMJ Open, looked at data from more than 4,300 people aged 39 to 67 over a 10-year period. Bjornsdottir is part of a sleep application that tracks sleep and sleep. He provides tips and resources for better sleep. The company did not fund this research and the authors report no competing interests. Participants from nine European countries were surveyed about the frequency, intensity and duration of physical activity, insomnia symptoms and how much sleep they got each night. People who have been active continuously are 55% more likely to have normal sleep, and people who have been active over a period of time are 55% more likely to have normal sleep, and people who have been active over a period of time are more likely to sleep than normal. 21% more likely to get some sleep. – After adjusting for age, gender, body mass index (BMI) and smoking history, the study said. The results are strong in themselves, but also supported by existing literature, said Dr. David Neubauer, an associate professor at the university. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He was not involved in this research. “While our results are consistent with previous studies showing the beneficial effects of physical activity on insomnia symptoms, this study further demonstrates the importance of consistency in exercise over time. '' said Björnsdottir. Email. “Therefore, physical activity throughout life is important to reduce the risk of insomnia and reduced sleep duration.”This study provides medical professionals with another tool in addition to medications and treatments. That's a possibility, said Dr. Shalini Parthi, co-director of the Sleep Medicine Society. St. Luke's Hospital Research Center, Chesterfield, Missouri, and spokesperson for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. She was not involved in this study. “This study gives us ideas about things we don't usually think about when treating insomnia,” Parti said. Does exercise cure insomnia? There are many reasons why physical activity may be helpful. “Exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality and duration by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and boosting mood. It helps promote restorative sleep,” Björnsdottir said. Neubauer said studies alone have not shown that adding exercise reduces insomnia symptoms because there was no clear baseline of sleep quality before adding activity. Stated. But there's still plenty of evidence. “The literature shows…people who are more physically active and exercise more tend to sleep better at night in terms of total sleep time and ability to fall asleep,” he said. Parti added that people who have suffered from insomnia for many years are unlikely to believe that exercise alone will completely cure their symptoms. And it varies from person to person. Some people may see great results, others may have moderate results, and others may not see any improvement, she said. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia is the most effective tool for treating insomnia, so people with more severe sleep problems may want to seek it out as well, Parthi says. added. You don't have to start running marathons to be active and reap the benefits. “Even moderate-intensity exercise, such as walking or yoga, can have a significant positive effect on sleep,” the experts said. Dr. Parti has seen in his patients that there are always obstacles to becoming more active. “Even if you can only walk two houses to the left, come back and walk two houses to the right. That's a great start,” she said. “Even if it's just five minutes of exercise a day, you have to start somewhere,” says Neubauer. “If you want your activity to help your circadian rhythm even more, you can go outside and get some sunlight. ,” Neubauer said. “Also, being physically active can have a positive impact on our circadian rhythms. And it's our circadian rhythms that promote nighttime sleep and daytime wakefulness. “It’s the rhythm,” he said. It's true that being exposed to more light outdoors can have a positive effect on your night's sleep. ”
Tired of spending sleepless nights? According to new research, one of the most helpful things you can do may be to exercise.
“People who are physically active have a lower risk of long-term and short-term insomnia symptoms and extreme sleep duration,” said study lead author Ella, a sleep expert and part-time lecturer and researcher at the University of Reykjavík.・Dr. Bjornsdottir said.
the study The paper, published Tuesday in the journal BMJ Open, looked at data from more than 4,300 people aged 39 to 67 over a 10-year period.
Björnsdóttir belongs to a sleep application that tracks your sleep and provides tips and resources for better sleep. The company did not fund this research, and her authors report no competing interests.
Participants from nine European countries were surveyed about the frequency, intensity, and duration of physical activity, as well as the frequency of physical activity. symptoms of insomniaamount of nightly sleep and perceived daytime sleepiness.
People who were persistently active were 55% more likely to have regular sleep, sleeping between 6 and 9 hours a night, and people who were active for a sustained period of time were 55% more likely to have regular sleep, sleeping 6 to 9 hours a night After adjusting for age, they were 21% more likely to have regular sleep. The study looked at body mass index (BMI) and smoking history.
Dr. David Neubauer, an associate professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, said the results are strong in themselves, but also supported by existing literature. He was not involved in the study.
“While our results are consistent with previous studies showing the beneficial effects of physical activity on insomnia symptoms, this study further demonstrates the importance of consistency in exercise over time. ,” Björnsdottir said in an email. “Therefore, it is important to be physically active throughout your life to reduce your risk of insomnia and reduced sleep duration.”
Dr. Shalini Parthi, co-director of the Sleep Medicine and Research Center at St. Luke's Hospital in Chesterfield, Missouri, and spokesperson for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, said the study gives medical professionals another tool in addition to medications and treatments. He said that there is a possibility that it will be provided. She was not involved in the study.
“This gives us ideas about treating insomnia that we don't normally think about,” Parti said.
Can exercise cure insomnia?
There are many reasons why physical activity can help you sleep better at night.
“Exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality and duration by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and boosting mood. physical activity It regulates your body's internal clock and promotes deeper, more restorative sleep,” Björnsdottir said.
This study alone does not show that adding exercise reduces insomnia symptoms because a clear baseline of sleep quality was not obtained before adding activity, Neubauer said. Ta.
But there's still good evidence there.
“Some literature suggests that people who become more physically active and exercise more tend to sleep better at night, in terms of total sleep time and ability to fall asleep.” .
However, it's important to note that if you've been suffering from insomnia for a long time, it's unlikely that exercise alone will cure your insomnia completely, Parthi added.
And it varies from person to person, she said, with some people seeing great results, some people having moderate results, and others seeing no improvement at all.
Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia is the most effective tool for treating insomnia, so people with more severe sleep problems may also want to seek it, Parthi added. .
become active
You don't have to start running marathons to reap the benefits. You just have to start, experts say.
“Even moderate-intensity exercise, Walking or yogawhich can have a significant positive effect on sleep,” Björnsdottir said.
Parti has seen with his patients that while there are always obstacles to becoming more active, there is some help.
“Even if you can only walk two houses to the left, come back and walk two houses to the right. That's a great start,” she said. “Even if it’s just five minutes a day, you have to start somewhere.”
If you want your activity to further benefit your circadian rhythm, Neubauer says you can step outside and get some sunlight.
“Both spending time outdoors and being physically active can have a positive impact on our circadian rhythms. circadian rhythm,” he said.
“The extent to which people can modify their lifestyles to be more active, be outdoors, and get more light can certainly have a positive impact on their nighttime sleep.”
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