Kate's diagnosis shines a light on the rise in young-onset cancers
Last week, Princess Kate of Wales shocked the world When she told him she had been diagnosed with cancer.
The British royal family declined to say what type of cancer doctors discovered after undergoing “major abdominal surgery” in January. Doctors announced that the 42-year-old man was diagnosed with early onset disease. This study reveals an overall increase in cancer incidence among young people.
According to the American Cancer Society's annual report released in January, young adults (generally considered to be between the ages of 18 and 49) Increase in overall cancer diagnoses According to the report, while deaths from cancer are decreasing, new cancer cases are increasing, rising from 1.9 million in 2022 to more than 2 million in 2023.
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“Therefore, we now recognize that early-onset cancer is a different type of cancer and are focused on providing additional support to these younger patients,” said Dr. said Dr. Veda Giri, director of the early stage cancer center at the university. Launch of cancer program at Smilow Cancer Hospital.
What does early-onset cancer mean?
Cancer rates among young people are on the rise, according to the American Cancer Society. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)
According to Yale Medicine, “early onset” can mean different ages depending on the type of cancer involved. For example, early-onset breast cancer refers to diagnosis before age 45, while early-onset colorectal cancer occurs before age 50.
“To be as comprehensive as possible, Yale's Early-Onset Cancer Program serves the needs of patients diagnosed with cancer between the ages of 18 and 49,” Giri said.
Related: Kate Middleton's cancer video: What a surgeon says about her diagnosis
At the age of 50, cell damage begins to accumulate in the body, and the incidence of cancer increases sharply. According to Yale Medicine, the median age at which a person is diagnosed with cancer is 66 years old.
Certain cancers, such as breast cancer and colorectal cancer, tend to be more aggressive in younger people. Research shows that family history plays a big role in determining cancer risk.
“We're starting to realize that family history is very important,” says Dr. Rosenblit. “For young women who have a significant family history of cancer, we are beginning to refer them to high-risk clinics, even if breast cancer is not a family history of cancer.”
Depending on your family history, your doctor can use calculators and other advanced screening tools to detect cancer in its early stages.
What types of cancer are increasing in young people?
The American Cancer Society's annual report shows that the following cancers are on the rise in young adults:
- chest
- prostate
- endometrium
- colorectal
- cervix
Although colorectal cancer is now the leading cause of cancer death in men under 50 and the second leading cause of death in women under 50, the disease continues to overwhelmingly affect older people. Yale Medicine points out that
Although cervical cancer among women in their 20s has decreased significantly, many of whom were the first to receive the HPV vaccine, the incidence of cervical cancer among women aged 30 to 44 has increased from 2012 to 2019. It rose by 1.7% annually.
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