Colon cancer is on the rise among young people
TAMPA, Fla. — Once you turn 50, everyone is encouraged to have a colonoscopy to check for colon cancer. This test has reduced the number of people over 50 who are diagnosed with the disease.
However, deaths from the disease are increasing in people under 50.
Story Where Southworth Works bay careShe remembers the first time she met Alex Mojica at St. Joseph's Hospital in Tampa.
“I saw a young man in one room. It was dark and he was very isolated. He didn't know what was going to happen to him. He was scared,” said Baycare Nurse Manager. Southworth said.
I was scared because Mojica would bleed when she went to the bathroom. He had pelvic pain, constipation, and other alarming symptoms.
“It was like it was giving me a sign that something was wrong,” said Mojica, 35.
He suffered from these symptoms for over a year before seeking medical attention. He was asked to undergo a CT scan and a mass was found in his colon.
“As soon as I heard the word 'cancer,'” Mojica said with a sigh. “Because my sister, her older sister, was already battling cancer, and she was diagnosed with cancer about six months ago, so I already knew it was bad. Ta.”
Mojica's family lives in the north. As he faced cancer alone at a young age, he happened to find a different kind of family in Tampa.
“I really felt like, to be honest, she felt like an angel wrapping her wings around me. I didn't have (anyone), so I don't have much of a support system. I did,” Mojica said.
“As surgeons, we see patients at their most vulnerable and often become their friends, family and mentors,” said Dr. Elizabeth Myers, colorectal surgeon at BayCare.
The angels were Myers and other medical staff from BayCare Health System.
Mojica had to undergo radiation and chemotherapy, but Myers was able to perform surgery to remove the cancerous mass.
Mojica wasn't her only young patient over the years. In fact, Myers says each year, the number of patients diagnosed with colon cancer is getting younger and younger.
We don't fully understand why, but one issue is clear.
“Generally, that's an undertested population,” Myers said. “One of the most dangerous things about this problem is that patients are often missed or the disease is advanced by the time they are diagnosed.”
In addition to the advanced cancer diagnosis, Mojica also had to face a sense of loss.
“My sister passed away before I could undergo surgery,” Mojica said with tears in her eyes.
His sister died of esophageal cancer. Her funeral was held on Monday, two days before Mojica's surgery. He was unable to attend due to the surgery.
Instead, Mojica continued to hold on to the memories of her sister.
“She said to me, 'I love you more and now you stay strong.' It was literally like those were her last words to me,” Mojica said. said.
With her strength added to his, Mojica continues to grow every day.
“At the end of the day, after this whole journey, I'm proud to say that I'm technically in remission. You know, the surgery went well, doctor. Everything went well,” Mojica said. Told. “To young people: I'm young and I've waited too long. Don't do that. Deal with the first symptoms.”
Over the next five years, Mojica will undergo tests to see if the cancer will return.
Colon cancer patients often have no symptoms. However, there are some signs such as rectal bleeding, changes in bowel habits, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, pelvic pain, and abnormal weight loss.
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