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NHS England introduces artificial pancreas to patients with type 1 diabetes

NHS England introduces artificial pancreas to patients with type 1 diabetes


Tens of thousands of children and adults living with type 1 diabetes across the UK will receive an 'artificial pancreas' in a world-first initiative being rolled out by the NHS.

What is an artificial pancreas?

Also known as artificial pancreas. Hybrid closed loop system – Continuously monitors a person's blood sugar levels and automatically adjusts the amount of insulin administered through the pump.
Local NHS systems will begin identifying eligible people to live together with type 1 diabetes Medical directors believe they can benefit from today's hybrid closed-loop systems. There are currently 269,095 people in the UK living with type 1 diabetes.

This technology allows some type 1 diabetics to eliminate the need for insulin injections and use the technology instead. Hybrid closed loops can also help prevent people from getting infected. Hypos (hypoglycemia) and Hyper (high blood sugar).

Colette Marshall, chief executive of Diabetes UK, said:

“It is very exciting to see hybrid closed-loop technology being rolled out for people with type 1 diabetes in the UK NHS.
“Diabetes is a harsh and unforgiving disease, but these systems make important, life-changing changes that improve both the overall health and quality of life of people with diabetes.
“This is truly a landmark moment and we will continue to work with the NHS and other agencies to ensure a fair rollout that reaches people as soon as possible.”

How does the rollout work?

NHS England is ready to provide £2.5m to local health systems and start identifying patients who will benefit.
The mass introduction of the artificial pancreas builds on a successful pilot of the technology by NHS England, which provided 835 adults and children with type 1 diabetes with the device to better manage their condition. Ta.
The UK NHS currently spends around £10 billion a year on identifying and treating diabetes, around 10% of its total budget.

Dr Claire Hambling, National Clinical Director for Diabetes, said:

“This is another example of the NHS leading the way in healthcare and rolling out these ground-breaking devices across the UK over the next five years.
“This innovative technology has the power to redefine the lives of people with type 1 diabetes and promises to improve not only clinical outcomes but also quality of life.
“Type 1 diabetes is an often overlooked diagnosis, so if you're worried about the 4Ts: going to the bathroom, urinating frequently, feeling thirsty, feeling tired, and thinning (weight loss), seek help. Please come forward.”

Professor Partha Kerr, NHS National Specialist Adviser on Diabetes, said:

“The national rollout of the hybrid closed-loop system is great news for everyone with type 1 diabetes.
“The device detects blood sugar levels and sends the readings to a delivery system called a pump, which begins the process of determining the required insulin dose.
“This futuristic technology will not only improve medical care, but also improve the quality of life for those affected.”

How do I know if I'm eligible?

The National Institute for Healthcare Excellence (NICE) approved the rollout of the technology by the NHS in December 2023.
Since NICE's announcement, NHS England has published a five-year implementation strategy, setting out a timeline for how local systems will deliver the hybrid closed-loop system to eligible patients from 1 April 2024. has been established.
NICE recommends that the device be rolled out to children and young people under the age of 18 with type 1 diabetes, pregnant women with type 1 diabetes and adults with type 1 diabetes with HbA1c of 58 mmol/mol (7.5%) or higher. .

How have hybrid closed-loop systems helped people?

The hybrid closed-loop system has dramatically changed the daily life of Gemma Lavery, 38, from Plymouth. She received an artificial pancreas as part of an NHS pilot and calls the technology a “game changer” that has allowed her to find a sense of normalcy.
Gemma said:

“I no longer have to worry about work-related stress impacting my blood sugar levels because closed-loop solves problems before they become problems.
“I'm able to sleep better at night without worrying about periodic low blood sugar levels that disrupt my morning routine, and I find my diabetes is more stable.”

Another person to receive an artificial pancreas from the NHS is Les Watson, 64, from West Devon. Mr. Les has lived with type 1 diabetes for nearly 44 years, during which time he has experienced first-hand all the technological changes in treatment.
Les said:

“The user interface is clean, straightforward, and easy to understand, and the information pump users need is readily available and not hidden deep in stacks of menus.
“The system is not overloaded with complex options, making daily use quick and easy. As a user, I currently only use the system to tell it it's time to eat or go out for exercise. I spend very little time interacting with them.

What about Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales?

This NICE guidance also applies to Wales, with NHS Wales similarly agreeing a five-year period to roll out a hybrid closed loop following an assessment, although further details about this are not yet known.

This guidance has also been adopted in Northern Ireland and work is underway to agree how it can be implemented in Northern Ireland.

Scotland has separate guidance on hybrid closed-loop systems Published in 2022 and The Scottish Government has recently funded plans to accelerate implementation, including funding a dedicated innovation team to support the rollout. In Scotland, it is recommended for people with type 1 diabetes who are struggling to manage their blood sugar, are at high risk of low blood pressure, have a low consciousness disorder or are experiencing diabetes-related distress.




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