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Implantable batteries can run on body oxygen •

Implantable batteries can run on body oxygen •
Implantable batteries can run on body oxygen •


Researchers led by Tianjin University of Science and Technology I recently developed a portable battery This is a new approach that runs on the body's own oxygen and could revolutionize the powering of medical devices such as pacemakers and nerve stimulators.

This study conducted on rats demonstrated the potential of batteries for stable power supply and biological compatibility.

The body as a continuous energy source

“Implantable electronic devices have transformed disease diagnosis, treatment, wound healing, and health monitoring,” the researchers wrote. “The reliable operation of these devices relies on the performance of implantable batteries with good biocompatibility and sufficient capacity.”

“Traditional batteries, such as Li-I2 and Ag-Zn batteries, are sealed and used to power implantable devices. However, their capacity is limited by the active Li/I batteries built into the battery. I2 or Ag/Zn mass limits the service life.”

“Living organisms are rich in basic components such as dissolved oxygen, glucose, enzymes, and sweat that can be used as a continuous energy source for batteries.”

Implantable battery that interacts with oxygen in the body

“If you think about it, oxygen is the source of our life. If we could harness the body's continuous supply of oxygen, battery life would no longer be limited by the finite materials in traditional batteries.” , said corresponding author Liu Shizheng, an expert in energy materials and devices at Tianjin University.

The battery's electrodes, made of a sodium-based alloy and nanoporous gold, chemically interact with oxygen in the body to generate electricity. To ensure safety and flexibility, the battery is wrapped in a porous polymer film.

Embedded battery testing

A subcutaneously implanted battery in a rat maintained a voltage of 1.3 V to 1.4 V and achieved a power density of 2.6 μW/cm^2 over 2 weeks. Although not currently powerful enough to be used in medical devices, this shows the potential of using internal oxygen for energy production.

The research team found no significant inflammation in the rats. Battery byproducts such as sodium, hydroxide ions, and minimal hydrogen peroxide were effectively processed in the body and did not harm the kidneys or liver.

Remarkably, the implanted site showed complete hair regrowth and regeneration of blood vessels around the battery after four weeks.

Implantable batteries and wound healing

“We were perplexed by the instability of the electrical output immediately after implantation. Before the battery could provide stable power, the blood vessels around the battery had to regenerate to supply oxygen, which caused the wound to heal. It turns out that we need to give it time to heal. This is a surprising and interesting finding because it means that the battery can help monitor wound healing,” Liu explained.

Scientists are now aiming to improve the energy output of batteries by investigating more efficient materials and optimizing their structures. According to Liu, the battery also has great potential for scalability and cost-effectiveness.

A new revolution in the field of implantable devices

“Since O2 concentrations in current batteries can be precisely controlled, they have potential therapeutic potential against diseases caused by oxygen aggregation and pathogenic bacteria,” the study authors wrote.

“The catalysts at the positive electrodes of Na-O2 batteries can also reduce superoxide radicals, which cause cellular aging and dementia, highlighting their potential applications in these fields.”

“Although some fundamental research and essential challenges are still to be addressed, Na-O2 batteries remain very promising and could spark a new revolution in the field of implantable devices and help improve the treatment of various diseases. This could lead to the development of new treatments.”

Potential medical uses

Implantable batteries could offer new therapeutic strategies, such as targeting tumor cells by depleting them of oxygen or converting their energy into heat, killing them. cancer cell.

“Tumor cells are sensitive to oxygen levels, so by implanting this oxygen-consuming battery around tumor cells, we may be able to starve the cancer.” “From new energy sources to potential biotherapeutics, the prospects for this battery are exciting,” Liu concluded.

The research will be published in a journal chemistry.

Image credit: Chem/Lv et al.


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