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The archaeologist may have solved the Mysterious Origin of Stonehenge Iconic Stones


Sunday, 2 August 2020, 10:45

By: CBS News

Stonehenge, a Neolithic wonder in the South of England, has puzzled historians and archaeologists for centuries with its many mysteries: How was it built? What purpose did it serve? Where did her high-altitude sandstones come from?

This last question may finally have an answer after a study published Wednesday found that most giant stones – known as sarsens – appear to share a common origin 16 miles away in West Woods, an area that bends with prehistoric activity.

The finding raises the theory that the megaliths were brought to Stonehenge at the same time: around 2,500 BC, the second phase of construction of the monument, which in turn could be a sign that its builders were from a highly organized society.

It also contradicts an earlier suggestion that a large sarcasm, the Stone Heel, came from near the area and rose in front of others. The new paper appeared in the journal Science Advances.

Lead author David Nash, a professor of physical geography at the University of Brighton, told AFP the technology required to analyze sarsens, which stand up to nine meters long (30 feet) and weigh as much as 30 metric tons, did not exist until the time of last.

He and his team used portable x-rays to analyze the chemical composition of rocks, which are 99 percent silica but contain traces of several other elements.

“It showed us that most stones have a common chemistry, which led us to identify that we are looking for a major source here,” Nash said.

Next, they examined two essential samples from one of the stones that were taken during the restoration work in 1958, but which then disappeared until they reappeared in 2018 and 2019, respectively.

They perform a more sophisticated analysis technique, called mass spectrometry on these samples, which detects a larger range of elements with a higher accuracy.

The resulting signature was then compared to 20 potential resource sites for these sedimentary rocks, with West Woods, Wiltshire revealing it was the closest match.

Previous work has revealed that the smaller Stonehenge “t-shirts” came from Wales, about 200 kilometers (160 miles) west, and the new study says they and the sarsens were deployed at the same time.

“So it must have been a big effort going on at the time,” Nash said. “Stonehenge is like a convergence of materials brought from different places.”

Just how the early British were able to transport stones weighing up to 30 tonnes over a distance of 25 miles remains unknown – although the prevailing idea is that they were pulled across the sled. The relevance of the site also remains mysterious.

“I think you are looking at a very organized society there,” Nash added.

As for why they chose West Woods, he said, it may have been a case of pragmatism as it was one of the closest places. But the area was also a hive of early Neolithic activity, and is home to many ancient burial sites known as a shack, a large circular earthworks, and a polissoir – a rock used to sharpen ancient stone axes. .

Nash said the method the research team had devised could help answer further archaeological questions, such as the route used to transport the stones – which could be extracted if sarcophagus fragments were found at road points.

He and his team also hope to use the techniques in other ancient sarsen countries spread across Britain.

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