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Microbial signature of colorectal cancer-associated mutations identified in new study

Microbial signature of colorectal cancer-associated mutations identified in new study


Approximately 40% of people diagnosed with colorectal cancer (CRC) have mutations in a gene called KRAS in their tumors. Many of these mutations are associated with shorter survival and more aggressive disease. CRC tumor development and growth are also associated with gut microbiota imbalance, but the interplay between these two features, dysbiosis and KRAS mutations, remains poorly understood. .

In a study published this week, microbiology spectrumResearchers in China, an open access journal published by the American Society for Microbiology, have identified microbiome signatures associated with KRAS mutations in people diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Zigui Huang, a medical student at Guangxi Medical University Cancer Hospital who was involved in the study, said the results of this study show that gut bacteria can act as a type of non-invasive biomarker to identify subtypes of colorectal cancer. The findings suggest that the findings could potentially inform personalized treatments.

The study was led by Weizhong Tang, MD, an oncologist at the hospital, whose research focuses on harnessing molecular knowledge of CRC to help better diagnose and treat the disease. “Our new study contributes to a growing body of evidence highlighting the importance of microbiome-mediated mechanisms in cancer development,” Tan said.

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 2 million people are diagnosed with colorectal cancer worldwide each year, and more than 900,000 people die from colorectal cancer. Globally, it is the third most common cancer and the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths. Previous research has linked intestinal bacterial imbalance to the formation and spread of colorectal cancer, and detailed studies of gut microbial populations in relation to colorectal cancer may provide new insights into diagnosis and treatment. It has been suggested that insights may be gained.

“Understanding the specific association between different types of KRAS mutations and CRC is critical for several reasons,” Huang said. These include elucidating the molecular mechanisms that promote colorectal cancer development and identifying biomarkers for diagnosis and disease progression.

For the new study, researchers used 16s rRNA sequencing to analyze stool samples from 94 CRC patients. Of the 94, 24 had mutations in her KRAS gene, and the rest were “wild type,” or unmutated genes.

Sequencing revealed 26 types of gut microbiota that were present in one group and absent in the other.genus Fusobacterium, clostridium and Shwanella They were all enriched in the mutant group. Fusobacterium is a Gram-negative microorganism found in the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity, and previous studies have linked it to the development of colorectal cancer. The researchers noted that all three should be considered as non-invasive biomarkers to determine a patient's KRAS status.

Bifidobacterium and Akkermansia It was abundant in samples from patients without KRAS mutations. Bifidobacterium It is a probiotic, Akkermansia Previous studies have shown some probiotic activities, including inhibition of pro-inflammatory factors in the colon. Based on this finding, the researchers speculate that the presence of these bacteria may reduce a person's chance of developing KRAS mutations and slow the progression of CRC to some extent.

In the same paper, researchers introduced a machine learning model that can use this information to derive personalized treatment recommendations based on microbiome characteristics. However, Huang said data from a larger cohort is needed to improve the model's effectiveness. The group plans to conduct a larger study to validate their findings and better understand the importance of the gut microbiota they identified, in hopes of improving treatment for CRC patients.

“This study is consistent with our extensive research focused on understanding the complex interactions between genetic mutations, tumor microenvironment, and gut microbiota in colorectal cancer,” Tan said. he said.




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