New influenza vaccines are available for 2024. Should I take it? What do I need to know?
Influenza is a common respiratory infection. Although most cases are relatively mild, influenza can cause more severe illness in young children and older adults.
de facto influenza Had disappeared He came from Australia during the early years of the COVID-19 pandemic, when public health restrictions reduced contact between people. After 2022, the influenza epidemic pattern returned to a seasonal pattern, but the influenza season started and peaked several months earlier than before 2020.
It's difficult to predict the strength of the flu season this time of year, but the Northern Hemisphere may offer some clues.There is a season started Before For the third year in a row, cases were higher than usual (the peak was in early January instead of late February-late March), and the number of reported cases and hospitalizations were similar to the previous year.
Influenza vaccines are recommended every year, but there are now a growing number of different types of vaccines. Here's what you need to know about this year's shot. this month.
What's in the influenza vaccine?
Like other vaccines, the influenza vaccine works by “training” the immune system against harmless components of the influenza virus (known as antigens), so that when the body encounters the real virus, it responds appropriately. You will be able to react to
Influenza strains are constantly changing due to genetic mutations, and the pace of genetic change is rapid. much higher than SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes the new coronavirus). The strains contained in the vaccine are examination Twice a year, vaccine strains are selected by the World Health Organization (WHO) based on the expected circulating strains for the following season.
All current influenza vaccines are Australia It contains four different strains (known as a quadrivalent vaccine). One of the stocks is disappear During the coronavirus pandemic, and the WHO recently Recommendation Exclude this strain from the vaccine. A trivalent (3-strain) vaccine is expected to become available in the near future.
How is it different from the new influenza vaccine?
There are 8 brands of influenza vaccines Available These include egg-based vaccines (Vaxigrip Tetra, Fluarix Tetra, Afluria Quad, FluQuadri, and Influvac Tetra), cell-based vaccines (Flucelvax Quad), adjuvanted vaccines (Fluad Quad) and high-dose vaccines (Fluzone High). included. -Dose Quad).
Until recently, the manufacturing process for influenza vaccines was similar. Since the influenza vaccine was developed, 1940sthe influenza virus was grown in chicken eggs and extracted, inactivated, purified, and processed to form the egg-based vaccine that is still widely used today.
However, several improvements have been made to influenza vaccines in recent years.
Older people's immune systems tend to respond less strongly to vaccines. Some influenza vaccines contain adjuvants (components that stimulate the immune system) along with influenza antigens. For example, the Fluad Quad vaccine, which is recommended for people 65 and older, uses an adjuvant.the study suggest Adjuvanted influenza vaccines are slightly better than standard egg-based vaccines without adjuvants in older adults.
Another approach to improving the immune response is to use higher doses of vaccine strains. One example is the Fluzone high-dose quad, another option for seniors. This contains the equivalent of four doses of the standard influenza vaccine.the study suggest High-dose vaccines are superior to standard-dose vaccines (without adjuvants) in preventing hospitalization and complications in older adults.
Other manufacturers have also updated their manufacturing processes. Cell-based vaccines, such as Flucelvax Quad, use cells instead of eggs in the manufacturing process. Other vaccines are Not yet available We also use a variety of technologies. In the past, manufacturing issues Egg-based vaccines are less effective. Using alternative production methods provides some insurance against this problem in the future.
What should I do this year?
Since this year's influenza season may be earlier than usual, it is considered safest to get vaccinated early.This is especially important Targeting people most at risk of severe illness, including older people (65 and over), people with chronic conditions, young children (6 months to 5 years), and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Influenza vaccination is also recommended during pregnancy to protect both mother and baby during the first few months of life.
Influenza vaccines are widely available at general practitioners and pharmacies, and many workplaces have occupational programs. For high-risk groups, 4 vaccines We receive funding from the Australian Government through the Australian Government. national immunization program.
Several vaccines are currently recommended for older adults. COVID Influenza, and one-time courses pneumococcus and Herpes zoster vaccine. Generally, most vaccines can be given in one visit, but talk to your doctor about which vaccines you need.
Are there any side effects?
All influenza vaccines are available cause It causes arm pain and sometimes more systemic symptoms, such as fever and fatigue. These are expected, reflect the immune system responding appropriately to the vaccine, and are mostly mild and short-lived. These side effects are slightly more common in: With adjuvant and high dose vaccine.
As with all medicines and vaccines, allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis can occur after receiving the influenza vaccine. All vaccine providers are trained to recognize and respond to anaphylaxis. People with egg allergies should talk to their doctor, but in general: research suggests They can safely receive any (egg-based) influenza vaccine.
Serious side effects from influenza vaccines, such as the neurological complication Guillain-Barre syndrome, are very rare (1 case per 1 million vaccine recipients).they are thought It occurs less frequently after influenza vaccination than after influenza infection.
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