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British scholars discriminate against political opposition survey


According to one survey, one-third of the applicants remaining in the UK’s European Union referendum would not hire known holiday advocates, and nearly a quarter of right-wing scholars would lower their papers if they had a left-wing perspective. Suggested to evaluate.

The Thinktank Policy Exchange commissioned a YouGov poll of 820 British scholars, of whom 484 are currently employed and 336 are retired employees, scholars on both sides of the political division in making decisions regarding subsidies and promotions discriminate against each other I found it. And publications.

The authors of this report estimated that a third and a half of the left wing reviewing the subsidy bid would show a lower score if they took the right wing perspective. On the other hand, 23% of right-wing scholars would rate academic papers less favorably if they adopted it.

According to the report, about one-third of scholars remaining as voters are likely to discriminate against those who leave the job, the report author added. They estimated that a similar percentage of voters were likely to appoint censors, who performed poorly than those on the left.

According to the authors, academics are more likely to discriminate than other jobs and not discriminate over rights.

In fact, 50% of the people on the right will discriminate in favor of vacation supporters over Jeremy Corbin supporters when the two candidates are the same. In the same situation, 40% of the people on the left will discriminate in favor of Corvin supporters.

However, according to the report, the smaller the proportion of right-wing and minority supporters in academia, the more likely it is to be discriminated against.

In this sample, 53% were identified as left, 35% as center, and 9% as right.

According to the report, this led the academics to leave the censors, especially their supporters, to participate in censorship. It turns out that one of the four scholars felt that he could not express his views at the university, fearing disagreement with his colleagues.

The report also recognized that 63% on the very right and 44% on the right were hostile to their beliefs, with 16% on the left and 8% on the left.

This restrained 32% of rights from disclosing views on education or research, while 15% of moderates agreed, while 10% of the very left and 15% of the very left agreed.

Of the high-quality faculty currently teaching social sciences and humanities, the percentage of those who were self-censored was 50%.

However, the authors are convinced that there is little support among most scholars for the dismissal campaign against their peers.

For some potential campaigns, those who oppose dismissal seem to be 8 to 1 more than those who prefer.

This report encourages the creation of a bishop for academic freedom supported by the Freedom of Academic Act in the Student Freeroom.

This role would have the ombudsman powers responsible for adhering to the public governance conditions regarding academic freedom of the university and freedom of speech, and would be able to investigate suspicions that institutions have infringed on freedom of speech and freedom of speech. The report said. In college, academic freedom and freedom of speech should be stated in the law.

OfS said it will release regulatory guidelines this fall.

The paper also raises the idea that the idea of ​​an independent academic freedom charter organization independent of the government will be commended to the university with a commitment to political anti-discrimination and diversity of perspectives.

One of the co-authors of the paper, Remi Adekoya, a political economics teacher at Sheffield University, said: The UK’s universities are among the best in the world and are largely responsible for national economic, urban and regional growth in the region. Contribute. And to social mobility. They enhance and support the country’s creative, intellectual and cultural life. However, the idea that they should study, teach, and contribute to public debate freely, without fear or favor, is still a big challenge for them, if they are the principle of academic freedom.

A British university spokesperson said: Academic freedom and freedom of speech are critical to the success of higher education in the UK, and universities take legal obligations seriously for both. In these constantly evolving worlds, the strong protection of these traits is of paramount importance to universities.

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