Do I have seasonal allergies or just a cold? | Well, actually.
aAh, spring. The season of thaw and rebirth, of flowers sprouting from the frost. The days are getting longer, warmer, and – oh, what is this? My throat is tickling. Pressure in the sinuses is increasing. A dripping nose. sneeze. Sneezing again. Have you ever had time before sneezing?
But is it allergies or a cold? Spring may be beautiful, but the fresh greenery can also chase away waves of allergens.So how can you tell if your runny nose is caused by bad pollen or a virus? Is it an infection or your immune system? overreact In response to external stimuli?
People often confuse the two, says Dr. Jesse Bracamonte, a family physician at Mayo Clinic Family Medicine. Both cases cause “stuffy nose, runny nose, and sneezing,” he said.
“Allergy or cold questions” are now relevant to many times of the year. As the average global temperature rises, allergy seasons are becoming longer and longer. more intense.according to one study, between 1990 and 2018, the U.S. pollen season became 20 days longer and pollen concentrations increased by 21%. In the UK, Health and Safety Agency (UKHSA) warns that hay fever season, which usually starts around March, could start as early as January or February.
So how can you tell the difference between seasonal allergies and a cold? We asked an expert to explain.
What are seasonal allergies?
Allergies occur when the body's immune system overreacts to a substance it considers dangerous. mayo clinic.
Seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever or seasonal allergic rhinitis, affect about a quarter of adults. America and England. As the seasons change and plants release pollen, symptoms tend to spike as our fragile immune systems go into overdrive.
“Tree pollen is the main allergen in the spring,” says Dr. Neeta Ogden, director of the Allergy, Asthma and Sinus Center in Edison, N.J., and spokesperson for the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. In the summer, she says, the main allergen is grass pollen, and in the fall, ragweed.
In the UK, British service, trees such as hazel and birch have their allergy season in the spring, followed by grass pollen from May to July. Pollen from weeds such as dogwood and mugwort usually arrives from June to late autumn.
What is a cold?
“'Cold' usually refers to a virus that affects individuals at certain times of the year,” Bracamonte says.
Most commonly, she said, the term refers to rhinoviruses, which tend to be most prevalent in the spring and summer. He added that other types of viruses, such as influenza and RSV (RSV), can also cause cold-like symptoms.
How are the symptoms of a cold and allergies different?
For both colds and allergies, patients should have plenty of tissues on hand because of the many symptoms: stuffy nose, runny nose, and sneezing. Experts also say both can cause fatigue.
Still, there are differences. Bracamonte points out that allergies tend to cause itching around the eyes and throat, and colds can cause a sore throat but are not usually accompanied by itching.
If you feel “like you're swallowing glass,” “it's probably a cold,” Bracamonte says.
While cold symptoms usually subside after a few days, seasonal allergies “continue throughout the season,” Ogden said.
Colds are also contagious, but allergies are not. Colds can be spread to others through the air or by droplets left on surfaces. “If you sneeze frequently and have these symptoms, it's usually contagious,” Bracamonte says.
In most cases, a cold lasts three to seven days, he said, but in older people and people with weakened immune systems, symptoms can last longer or be more severe.
What are the most effective treatments for seasonal allergies?
Ogden says there are many ways to treat seasonal allergies. She explains that saline nasal irrigation can reduce mucus and flush allergens from the nose. Eye drops are effective for redness and itching of the eyes. Also, over-the-counter corticosteroid nasal sprays and antihistamines can help relieve many allergy symptoms. For the latter, she recommends looking for varieties that are “long-acting and won't make you sleepy.”
Decongestants can also be helpful, but if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, thyroid disease, or urinary problems, you should consult your doctor before using them, she says.
Ogden also suggests downloading a pollen app “so you can track your pollen counts and stay indoors on high pollen days.” We also recommend that you see a doctor if your symptoms do not improve with over-the-counter medications.
What is the most effective treatment for colds?
Bracamonte says that for most healthy people, the answer is very simple: “Take time, rest, stay hydrated, and stay home.” It is also important to distance yourself from others “to avoid getting sick.”
I wrote this article because my nose hasn't stopped running for 3 days and I didn't know if it was an allergy or a cold?
Yes, FYI, it was a cold.
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