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In the second act of “Valorant”, battle passes are added. Plus how to unlock all agents in the game


Riot Games’ Valorant is relatively new, but unofficial player count stats reached 3 million players in the closed beta period alone, making it one of the top, if not the other, titles. became. First person shooting game.

(Photo: VALORANT/Facebook) Here’s all the new content for Act Two and how to unlock all the agents.

Battle Pass, New Mode, New Agent

Like all game titles, Valorant is getting new updates as it enters Act II, so there is new content that could invite more players.

In the Screen Rant report, developers announced the launch of the Act II Battle Pass, which will be released on August 4th. EpisodeI Act II includes onslaught of new content, including the much requested Deathmatch mode. Above all, as a new agent.

A second Battle Pass for the game is available for 1000 VP, in-game currency, or about $10. This is not bad considering the free and premium items available to players.

According to the news outlet, in addition to the Battle Pass, Valorant players can also get Neongrich pop skins and use them to customize their “Frenzy, Odin, Bulldog, Judges, and Melee” weapons.

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How Deathmatch works

FFA Deathmatch will be available tomorrow.

In solo mode, 10 players play against each other, all without agent abilities, but at the cost of infinite money. If the first player achieves 30 kills, they are declared the winner of the match.

There will also be a new agent named Killjoy arriving in Act II, giving players plenty of new content to tackle the new season.

How to unlock all agents

But speaking of agents, how do Valorant players unlock all agents?

The Daily ESports guide has 11 agents in the game, but does not consider the new agents that will be available when Act II starts this August 4.

Based on news outlets, this is to allow players to always have agents available to play in the match in the early stages of playing an FPS title.

Now, here are the Valorant agents that are immediately available to all players:

Phoenix Brimstone Bucket Sage

When a player starts a game, he receives two agents by playing the game and leveling the ignition. Then another agent is unlocked at level 5, another agent is unlocked at level 10, and the contract is unlocked.

Brave players can unlock agents by reaching level 5 of the contract. You can do this by earning XP points by completing missions and playing the game virtually continuously.

If you’re not the type of person you smash, you can also buy a contract level of 1000 VP or $10 if you really want to unlock a particular agent, but continue if you don’t have cash. Grind to unlock the following:

Reina Bleach Viper Omen Rays Cipher

Killjoy will be introduced when Act II arrives, so you’ll probably need to shatter to gain the level of Killjoy’s contract and unlock this new agent.

Valorant is currently available on PC.

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Created by: Nhx Tingson

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