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Congress Government Congress Rajasthan Prohibited, Ashok Gehlot, MLA Celebrate Raksha Bandhan


Rajasthan Crisis Rested, Ashok Gehlot, MLA celebrate Raksha Bandhan

The Prime Minister of Rajasthan, Ashok Gehlot celebrated today Raksha Bandhan


Rajasthan Prime Minister Ashok Gehlot on Monday took a brief break from the crisis surrounding his government to celebrate the Raksha Bandhan festival, though without any visible signs of social distancing in images posted on his Twitter account.

In photos and a video shared this afternoon, Mr. Gehlot is greeted by several MLA women, each of whom is related to a Rakhi on the wrist and then performs a small puja.

In some of the images, the chief minister is seen offering a gift to some of the U theK. In the others, Mr. Gehlot, dressed in a white Kurta, is seen sitting on a red sofa like the ULAKs, dressed in saris of various colors, the crowd around him.

“Here in Jaisalmer, women legislators tied a Rakhi at the sacred festival of the Raksha Gang. “Wishing everyone the best in this auspicious occasion”, read one of the tweets.

“Raksha Bandhani’s celebrated festival with our MLAs,” read another.

However, in the photo, neither the Prime Minister nor his MLAs, with the exception of one, can be seen either wearing face masks or practicing social distance.

On Saturday, Mr Gehlot wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi urging him to “end festival (drama) in Rajasthan “.

“Modifrom is the Prime Minister of the country. The people of the country gave him the opportunity (to lead the country) twice. He made people squeeze, squeeze … people trusted him – it’s a big deal. He must end it festival (drama) in Rajasthan, “he said.

The Congress government in the state is close to collapse after open revolt by disgruntled Sachin Pilot, who has sought the support of 30 ULAKs. However, out of 30 claimants, only 19 have made their official position so far.

Mr Gehlot, on the other hand, says he has 102 MLA in his corner – one above the majority brand. He looks forward to holding a vote of confidence once the Assembly is in session next week and cementing his position; if he wins he cannot be challenged for six months.

Both camps have stuck their MLAs in luxury resorts to protect against hunting. Mr Gehlot’s MLAs have been relocated to a resort in Jaisalmer.

The Assembly, to be convened on August 14, was convened after a pause between the Prime Minister and Governor Kalraj Mishra, who rejected three proposals in 72 hours before Mr. Gehlot agreed on the Governor’s status for a 21- notice period. daily.

The team of ULAK pilots, who is currently fighting the move of Chairman CP Joshi to disqualify them, told NDTV that they will participate in the Assembly session. If they do not, they will remain disqualified from opposing a party whip.

If they attend home and vote against the government, Mr Gehlot could be in big trouble. The rebels will be disqualified but the government will fall if the majority of chambers vote against the government, according to the rules.

The whole drama started after Ashok Gehlot claimed that Sachin Pilot, who was fired as his deputy, was directly involved in a plot with the BJP to overthrow his government. Mr Pilot has denied all such allegations.

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