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New data on the impact of hepatitis and the path to eradication

New data on the impact of hepatitis and the path to eradication


Hepatitis C virus infection medical concept.

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The World Health Organization's (WHO) Global Hepatitis Report 2024 reveals an alarming increase in deaths from viral hepatitis, now equated with tuberculosis (TB) as the second leading cause of infectious death. 1.3 million people die each year. The report, presented at the World Hepatitis Summit, highlights that despite advances in diagnostic and treatment techniques and cost reductions, testing and treatment rates have not improved significantly. However, WHO insists that eliminating hepatitis by 2030 is still achievable with immediate and concerted efforts.

Hepatitis-related deaths will increase from 1.1 million in 2019 to 1.3 million in 2022, according to newly collected data from 187 countries, and hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV) accounted for 83% and 17% of these deaths, respectively. Approximately 3,500 people die from these infections every day worldwide. The WHO Director-General expresses concern that the number of deaths is rising despite global prevention efforts, and says ramping up diagnostic and treatment efforts is critical to reversing this trend. He emphasized.

Main points

Despite advances in medical technology for diagnosis and treatment, the number of deaths from hepatitis continues to rise, and viral hepatitis now ranks alongside tuberculosis as the second leading cause of death from infectious diseases worldwide. 1.3 million people die each year.

Global efforts to diagnose and treat hepatitis remain well below targets set for 2030.

A concerted effort is needed to expand testing, improve equity in treatment, and strengthen health infrastructure, especially in the most affected regions.

Danjuma Adda, MPH, FIMS, Dip-IMS, past president of the World Hepatitis Alliance, said: As advocates, we are continually pushing to change this narrative and emphasize the severity of HBV. According to WHO data, HBV is the second leading cause of death from infectious diseases, rivaling tuberculosis and only recently surpassed by COVID-19. ”

The report also updates estimates of the number of people infected with HBV and HCV by 2022 to 254 million and 50 million. Although the number of new infections has decreased slightly from 2019, with 2.2 million new infections reported in 2022, the incidence of the disease remains high. Preventative measures such as vaccination, safe injections, and expanded treatment options for HCV have effectively reduced new infections. However, global progress in hepatitis diagnosis and treatment remains far below the 2030 target, with only 13% of HBV patients and 36% of HCV patients diagnosed and no one receiving the treatment they need. Even less. Regional disparities persist and are a major burden in the WHO Africa and Western Pacific region.

“HBV remains invisible because people are not getting it diagnosed or tested, and many people do not know that HBV is the main cause of liver cancer. This is not just an oversight; There is a significant lack of action from those who should be more alarmed, including governments, media and other stakeholders,” Ada said. “HBV is often not listed in such hospital death records. Instead, other diseases such as HIV and malaria are recorded, overshadowing the impact of HBV.”

Collectively addressing these challenges, WHO has outlined a strategy to accelerate progress towards hepatitis elimination by 2030. Recommendations include expanding access to testing and diagnosis, improving equity in treatment, strengthening primary care, simplifying service delivery, and strengthening community engagement and research. These efforts are critical to achieving universal access to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, especially in countries that bear most of the global hepatitis burden.


The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of a viral hepatitis infection that claims 3,500 lives every day. who. Published April 9, 2024. Accessed April 16, 2024.




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