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Bird flu outbreak hits U.S. dairy cows, Canadian farmers take precautions

Bird flu outbreak hits U.S. dairy cows, Canadian farmers take precautions
Bird flu outbreak hits U.S. dairy cows, Canadian farmers take precautions


dose19:04What is happening with H5N1 avian influenza?

H5N1 is in the news again, this time affecting cattle in several US states. In Texas, dairy workers were also infected. Global health epidemiologist Raywat Deonandan explains how bird flu spreads, how contagious it is, what vaccines are available and why we don't need to worry too much yet. To do.

Raquel Koloff, a beef farmer in Gibson, British Columbia, says she is very concerned about recent outbreaks of a dangerous form of avian influenza, also known as highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), on dairy farms. talk. Across at least eight states in the United States.

Safeguards have been put in place to prevent similar outbreaks north of the U.S. border, and so far there have been no confirmed cases of avian influenza in Canadian cattle. She says she's still worried.

“Cattle moves around…and 85 per cent of our beef market is served by large plants in southern Alberta,” said Koloff, owner and founder of Huff Heritage Farms. “They're all collective, and they spread out from each other and from there.”

Despite these concerns, experts say that thanks to the country's food safety standards and the steps taken by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to ensure food producers comply with necessary biosecurity measures. He said there is no need to worry at this time.

What is avian influenza?

HPAI is a type of influenza that causes “severe illness and high mortality in infected poultry,” according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Geneviève Toupin, CFIA's national veterinary program manager and the team responsible for CFIA's ruminant and swine program, said HPAI typically spreads among birds, leading to high bird mortality.

A woman smiles at the camera.
Genevieve Toupin is the National Veterinary Program Manager for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Her team is responsible for the agency's ruminant and swine programs. (Submitted by Genevieve Toupin)

She said the virus currently infecting U.S. cattle is the same virus being spread by migratory birds. Fly along the Pacific Central Flyway For the past two years or so.

So far, 32 herds in eight US states have been affected by HPAI infection After the government announced Almost 4 weeks ago. It is not yet clear how the virus spreads between and among dairy cows.

Although the name of the virus suggests that it only affects birds, other animals, including mammals, can also be infected with H5N1.

“In fact, the H5N1 virus has been detected in polar bears, sea lions, penguins and foxes, and it is speculated that they may be infected by eating dead birds,” said Ray Watt, a global health epidemiologist at the University of Ottawa.・Mr. Deonandan said.Brian Goldman, host dose.

Symptoms in infected cows include a sudden decrease in milk production, thick milk, decreased appetite, dry manure or constipation. According to CFIA.

Can humans also get infected with bird flu?

Humans are also susceptible to HPAI, but cases are rare and have occurred. Human-to-human transmission has not been confirmed contagion; infection.

Since 2003, approximately 900 people have been infected with H5N1 worldwide. who. Only one case of infection has been confirmed in Canada. 2013.

Infection occurs when the virus enters a person's eyes, nose, or mouth or is inhaled. According to the CDC.symptoms of humans are like the flucough, shortness of breath, fever, and body aches.

In severe cases, people may experience severe respiratory illness, including difficulty breathing, pneumonia, neurological changes, and multiple organ failure.

Estimation 52 percent of known human cases result in death.

“This is not the typical seasonal flu that we are used to,” Deonandan said.

“However, it is important to keep in mind that in some cases, the symptoms are so severe that people are likely not even aware they are infected, and in these cases the actual case fatality rate is much lower.”

The man smiles at the camera.
Raywat Deonandan is a global health epidemiologist and associate professor at the University of Ottawa. (Courtesy of Raywat Deonandan)

Some estimates suggest that the true mortality rate for humans infected with bird flu is “probably about 14 percent to 30 percent,” he said.

By comparison, at the height of the SARS epidemic in 2003, the disease The fatality rate is about 11%.

a A dairy worker in Texas was reportedly found to be infected in early April. Avian influenza from an infected mammal (possibly a cow).

“The Texan…reported red eyes or conjunctivitis as the only symptom and is recovering.” According to the CDC.

Watch | Avian influenza is also prevalent in cows. Are humans also at risk? | About that:

Avian influenza is also prevalent in cattle. Are humans also at risk? | About that

For the first time in history, avian influenza, or H5N1 avian influenza, has been detected in approximately 12 dairy herds across the United States. Producer Lauren Byrd explores why scientists and public health officials are concerned about interspecies transmission and whether humans can become infected. Now you're at higher risk.

This was the second recorded case of avian influenza in humans in the United States. Colorado inmate infected with virus while working on a poultry farm as part of a pre-release employment program.

So far, nearly all human cases have been due to direct contact with infected poultry, the report said. Public Health Agency of Canadathere is no evidence of sustained transmission among humans.

Deonandan says he is especially worried. Mutations in avian influenzawhich infects pigs and then spreads it to humans.

“Our concern is that [bird flu] Influenza shares DNA with influenza, which adapts to live in humans and learns how to live in humans, in which case it probably spreads from human to human as quickly as seasonal influenza moves from human to human. “It will be transmitted from person to person,” he said. He said.

How do food producers monitor livestock?

Koloff said she and other livestock producers already adhere to strict safety standards to prevent the spread of infection and disease.

“One of the benefits of being a small farmer is that you can interact with your herd multiple times a day,” she said.

“I know the changes immediately and can confirm it.”

A woman leans on a goat while smiling at the camera. There is also an alpaca in the frame.
Raquel Koloff, owner of Hough Heritage Farms, primarily raises beef cattle, but also raises goats, sheep and pigs. (Submitted by Raquel Koloff)

CFIA's Toupane said they are working with stakeholders across the agriculture industry to coordinate a national response.

Cattle farms are advised not to introduce new animals into their herds and to quarantine new animals for 21 days in case the animal is harboring the disease.

View | Sask. Scientists developing bird flu vaccines:

Sask.Scientists developing avian influenza vaccine

A team of Saskatchewan scientists is joining a global effort to develop a vaccine for bird flu. They are trying to protect birds now, and later humans if the virus mutates.

Farmers should also minimize contact between livestock and wild birds.

“We are closely monitoring the situation,” she said. “I don't think you need to worry too much, [right now.]”

The Canadian Cattlemen's Association declined an interview request to discuss the matter.

Canadians can also continue consuming beef, milk and egg products. Although experts agree that food should be properly prepared,.Pasteurization, a special heating process, is also kills all harmful pathogens Contained in milk or dairy products.

Deonandan said he was drawing attention to avian influenza to put into context the threat it poses to humans.

“The coronavirus pandemic has shown us a deep distrust of so-called experts and a deep distrust of authority,” he said. “By getting ahead of the story and laying out the facts that we know, maybe we can buy a little more trust.”




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