Cannabis rolling papers may pose potential health risks from heavy metals, study finds
A lack of regulation of cannabis cigarettes could expose users to health risks due to the presence of dangerous amounts of heavy metals, according to a new study.
Researchers at Lake Superior State University in Michigan recently study published in the journal ACS Omega to determine the heavy metal content in commercial cannabis rolling papers.
They analyzed the elemental composition of 53 commercially available rolling papers and compared them to established standards to assess the potential risk of exposure.
The results showed that about a quarter of the samples exceeded the recommended levels of copper in inhaled medicines. Additionally, certain cannabis rolling papers contain high concentrations of elements such as copper, chromium, and vanadium, which can pose health risks. The study also found that some cannabis rolling papers use copper-based coloring, which can expose users to dangerous levels of copper, especially when used in large quantities. Ta.
In this context, repeated exposure to heavy metals through inhalation can accumulate in the body over time, causing health problems and increasing the risk of developing diseases.
The heavy metals in these papers can be traced back to chemical residue from manufacturing, inks and dyes used during manufacturing, and potentially contaminated plants used to make the paper if grown in contaminated soil. It comes from a variety of sources, such as The researchers also explained that recycled paper poses an even higher risk because extra chemicals are often added to improve its appearance during the recycling process. These additional chemicals may include lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and zinc.
Researchers analyzed the levels of 26 different elements in cannabis cigarettes and compared these levels to standards for inhaled cannabis products set by various states in the United States and Canada. Although there are typically no specific regulations regarding the elemental content of rolling paper, this comparison provided insight into its contribution to potential consumer exposure.
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The results revealed significant variation in regulations across states, particularly regarding allowable levels of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead. Even if rolling papers are subject to similar regulations as cannabis products, restrictions on these factors vary widely between jurisdictions, in some cases by a factor of 20 to 50.
Researchers found that calcium is the most common element in rolling paper, likely due to the additives used in paper manufacturing. Also detected were magnesium, sodium, potassium, aluminum, iron, manganese, barium, copper, and zinc.
According to the study, some samples taken during testing contained abnormally high levels of metals, posing a potential risk to users.
The study's authors suspect that certain manufacturers used inks containing copper pigments. For example, a blue cone indicates a uniform distribution of copper and titanium on its surface, suggesting the use of copper-containing pigments. In contrast, the researchers noted that yellow and red cones do not contain copper, but do contain other elements such as titanium and strontium, which are commonly used for coloring.
Overall, the analysis showed that copper was present in the green, blue, and purple parts of the rainbow cone, with the blue part being the most abundant. Chromium was detected from the golden tip.
These results suggest that smoking the copper-based pigments found in some rolling papers poses a health risk, as harmful compounds can be released during combustion.
The study is concerned about the lack of regulation around rolling papers, especially given the medical use of cannabis by many users, and raises concerns about potential exposure to harmful elements such as copper. It highlights that
Researchers suggest that states should work together to set limits on cannabis, as there is a lack of uniform guidance due to varying state and federal cannabis laws. Toxic components in cannabis and a rolling paper based on their findings.
The researchers also suggested that exposure risks may be exacerbated by the manufacturing process, particularly when using copper-based inks, and their use can significantly reduce copper concentrations in paper. Manufacturers were encouraged to eliminate it.
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