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Colorectal cancer survivors advocate early detection

Colorectal cancer survivors advocate early detection
Colorectal cancer survivors advocate early detection


MILWAUKEE — For Jamila Mahmoud, leading the next generation has always been a passion. She works at the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee.

“Our youth are our future. We must focus on them,” Mahmoud said. “I’ve been working with nonprofits in the after-school space since college.”

What you need to know

  • Jameela Mahmoud was diagnosed with colorectal cancer
  • After surgery and chemotherapy, he is currently in remission.
  • Finding a diagnosis was not an easy task.She visited many doctors in search of answers

She said her work kept her spirits high during her difficult battle with stage 3 colorectal cancer.

“They took six inches of the ascending part of my colon and reattached the small intestine to the large intestine,” Mahmood said.

She underwent eight rounds of chemotherapy and is in remission four years later. Getting her first diagnosis wasn't easy. She suffered from abdominal pain that lasted for months and visited many doctors. Eventually, her stool sample and colonoscopy revealed it was cancer.

(Photo provided by Jameela Mahmoud)

“I had to convince my doctor that this was actually happening,” Mahmoud said. “In fact, I had to suggest that he see a gastroenterologist.”

Dr. Kirk Ludwig is a colorectal surgeon at the Frottart School of Medicine and the Medical College of Wisconsin. She said the standard recommendation is to start getting annual colonoscopies starting at age 45, but research shows an increasing number of people are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer before that age.

“If you have bleeding, a change in your bowel habits, and you think something is wrong, you should talk to your doctor,” Ludwig says. “You need to be investigated.”

That's why Mahmoud has stepped up his role as a mentor to Milwaukee's youth. She currently serves as a national ambassador for the Fight Colorectal Cancer organization. She recently addressed US lawmakers in Washington, DC.

(Photo provided by Jameela Mahmoud)

“I don't want anyone to go through what I went through,” Mahmoud said. “It is my life's mission to raise awareness not only among young people but also African Americans. Disparities and health equity within the Black community are very important to me.”

Mahmoud said he hopes sharing his story can help others.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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