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Being a Chinese student in the United States: neither the United States nor China wants us


Image copyright Getty Images Image caption The relationship between the United States and China is now at one of the lowest points in years

Stranded abroad by the coronavirus pandemic and pressed by political tensions, Chinese students in the United States are rethinking their host country and their country of origin.

Eight years ago, then 13-year-old Shizheng Tie left China to settle in rural Ohio with one goal: education. She had a dawning American dream, but now she says she faces hostility in this country.

“As a Chinese living in the United States, I’m very scared now,” she said. Tie, now a senior student at Johns Hopkins University, describes America as “anti-China” and “chaotic.”

Some 360,000 Chinese students are currently enrolled in schools in the United States. Over the past few months, they have experienced two historic events – a global pandemic and unprecedented tensions between the United States and China, which have reshaped their view of the two nations.

‘Politicized’ and ‘anxious’

The majority of Chinese students in the United States are self-funded and hope that their Western education will lead to a good career.

Meanwhile, Washington has warned that not all students in China are “normal,” claiming that some are Beijing proxies who conduct economic espionage, orchestrate pro-Chinese views and monitor other Chinese students on American campuses.

The Trump administration recently canceled the visas of 3,000 students who it says have ties to the Chinese military. A US senator even suggested that Chinese nationals should not be allowed to study math and science in America.

Amid the harsh rhetoric, many Chinese students fear they will be turned into a political target for Washington.

Image copyright EPA Image caption In July, the United States ordered China to shut down its consulate in Houston, Texas

Tie, who specializes in environmental sciences, says he’s pessimistic about his academic future in the United States, given the increasingly scrutiny of Chinese students and science and technology academics.

“I used to think that I would pursue my PhD in the United States and maybe move here, but now I see myself going back to China after graduating with a master’s degree,” Tie says.

Yingyi Ma, associate professor of sociology at Syracuse University, says Chinese students in the United States are now “politicized and marginalized to an unprecedented level” because Washington is sending “very hostile signals.”

The strained bilateral relationship has swayed public opinion, as a recent survey found that 73% of American adults have an unfavorable view of China – a historic high.

Professor Ma published a book in January called Ambitious and Anxious, which focused on the experience of Chinese students in America.

“If I write the book now, I’ll just keep ‘worried’ in the title,” she said.

“ Junk ” at home

As the coronavirus continues to spread in the United States, Tie prefers to return to China, where the epidemic appears to be largely under control.

But the country has ordered brutal cuts to international flights to avoid imported cases, leaving many Chinese students abroad stranded thousands of miles from their families.

On Chinese social media, some comments described the students as spoiled kids, who had fled the country’s extremely competitive education system and could now jeopardize its success in containing the virus.

“America wants to expel us, while China does not allow us to come back,” Tie said.

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This sentiment is commonly shared by Chinese students in the United States.

Iris Li, a 20-year-old Chinese student at Emory University in Atlanta, describes the students as “being hit like a bullet” between the two countries.

“We get the short end of the stick on both sides,” Li said.

Racism ‘boosts’ support for Beijing

After worrying from afar about the epidemic in their country of origin, these young Chinese are now witnessing the coronavirus crisis in the United States.

They were puzzled by the cultural differences regarding mask wearing. They were disturbed by President Trump’s use of the terms “kung flu” and “Chinese virus”. Some have even been directly victims of racial harassment.

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Media captionTracy Win Liu says she bought a gun after facing coronavirus racism

Racial discrimination during the pandemic “burst their bubble,” says Professor Ma.

A new document said that anti-Chinese racism strengthens support for Beijing’s authoritarian regime among Chinese students in the United States.

Jennifer Pan, co-author of the article and assistant professor of communication at Stanford University, says there is a general belief that Chinese students abroad are brainwashed into fully supporting the Chinese Communist Party.

“This is not the case,” says Professor Pan, “What changes their political views is racism.”

Research found that Chinese freshmen who read derogatory comments against the Chinese are more likely to support Beijing, while general criticism of the government’s handling of coronaviruses has not produced the same effects.

According to Professor Pan, the results suggest that Chinese students in the United States, whose survey responses are “mature, sophisticated and thoughtful for their age,” can rationally deal with criticism of China.

Rethinking China and America

Despite her frustration with travel restrictions in China, Tie says she has become more patriotic since living on board.

“I had believed that America was a wonderland of dreams, equality and tolerance for all. I certainly don’t believe any more, ”she wrote in her school newspaper in June, criticizing American“ sinophobia ”.

In February, she wrote an online petition to protest her university’s organization of a panel with Hong Kong democracy activists.

Image copyright XINHUA

But Tie says she’s not a “little rose,” a somewhat derogatory term for young Chinese nationalists active on the Internet.

“I am rationally patriotic, not because of the brainwashing,” Tie said, adding that she viewed Washington and Beijing critically, citing the lack of free speech in China.

“Both countries have let me down on several occasions,” says Tie, “but China is my homeland, so I’m more willing to endure this frustration”.

Similar to Tie, Li plans to return to China after graduation, with a transformed understanding of both his home country and his host country.

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In early July, Washington announced a policy banning foreign students from staying in the country, but the decision was overturned after receiving waves of criticism.

“It gave me hope for the United States,” Li said, “it wouldn’t happen in China”.

The sociology and religious studies student believes the pandemic has exposed the strengths and weaknesses of both political systems. While the Chinese government appears to be acting more effectively, the United States allows dissent and is sometimes able to correct its own mistakes.

American education has made her “more anti-China,” Li says with a laugh.

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Harvard and MIT have filed a lawsuit over the overturned decision to withdraw visas from international students if all of their courses were online

She recalls feeling “very uncomfortable” when she arrived in America six years ago and saw her classmates waving Taiwanese flags, which are considered in mainland China to be a symbol of religion. Taiwan independence.

But after getting to know the Taiwanese students, she realized that while their views might have been completely different, they could discuss issues with respect, which is encouraged in American classrooms.

“Studying in the United States is an important experience in my life,” which she will never regret. “But I can’t wait to help change China, where my work can be more meaningful.”

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