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From crossword puzzles to limiting alcohol, 8 ways to keep your brain healthy

From crossword puzzles to limiting alcohol, 8 ways to keep your brain healthy


Taking steps to keep your brain healthy and sharp isn't just a priority for older adults. Dawn C. CarrSociology professor and co-director of Florida State University's Aging Research on Context, Health, and Inequality told Yahoo Life. “It's something you have to think about at every stage of your life,” she says. In addition to keeping your brain healthy, Reduce risk of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, it added. Dr. Dawn EricksonAgeRejuvenation's Chief Medical Officer, but they also maintain independence and are committed to a better quality of life, promoting overall well-being and longevity.

Here, experts share actionable steps you can take to protect your brain and keep it sharp for as long as possible.

Games like memory matching, puzzles, and word searches are like bicep curls to your brain. why? These “stimulate neural connections and help keep the brain sharp,” Erickson told his Yahoo Life. The key is to learn new things and constantly challenge yourself in new ways, she added, which can also be achieved through activities such as reading or playing an instrument.

If you already do it every day, new york times Good luck with your crosswords, connections, and wordle puzzles.a 2022 survey Crossword puzzles have been found to be particularly effective in improving memory and preventing brain atrophy in people with mild cognitive impairment.

Regardless of which brain game you choose, “a good way to know if you're increasing your cognitive abilities is to reflect on whether you're feeling a little uncomfortable,” Kerr says. “Doing things you're bad at, like learning to dance, writing poetry, or learning a new language, are all cognitively complex activities that help protect your brain.”

Like any other part of the body, the brain needs nutrients to grow. According to research people you follow mediterranean diet A diet based on fish, fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and whole grains is less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease, so it's a good place to start. However, Kerr says that because everyone is different, “there is no perfect 'brain feed' for solving problems.”

Still, it's never a bad idea to prioritize fruits and vegetables ( is shown (to improve general health), Erickson suggests consuming foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins. “Limit processed foods, sugary snacks, and saturated fats, as they can be detrimental to your brain health,” she says.

Erickson and Kerr also say it's also very important to limit your alcohol intake. According to research, Alcohol can reduce overall brain volume And even if alcohol intake is at low levels, Associated with premature brain aging. Therefore, it is preferable to drink less alcohol every day. (Need help with reduction? Here it is) 6 tips to reduce alcohol intake. )

Research shows that physical activity, even just light exerciseCleaning the house, running errands, etc. — Reduce your risk of dementia. “Physical exercise is associated with improved brain health,” Erickson says. “Aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, along with strength training. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, promotes the growth of new neurons, and strengthens cognitive function. Masu.”

If you can't take all 150 minutes a week, know that even less time is important. “20 to 30 minutes of walking every day is plenty, but if you only have 15 minutes, go for it,” Kerr says.

by National Institutes of Health, the brain receives 20% of the body's blood supply, delivering oxygen and nutrients. This means that uncontrolled high blood pressure can reduce or block blood flow, limiting fuel for the brain and damaging it. If you have high blood pressure, talk to your health care provider about how to: lower their levela balanced, low-sodium diet, regular exercise, limiting alcohol intake, and managing stress are recommended. american heart association.

water Accounts for 75% of brain massSo it's no surprise that dehydration negatively impacts brain function. One 2023 survey They found that over two years, dehydration reduced cognitive function in overweight adults. Many people don't get enough. A new Yahoo News/YouGov poll finds: 25% of US adults say they drink one or two glasses of water 1 day — and 8% rarely or never drink.

So, how much water should you drink?by National Academy of Medicine According to (NAM), the recommended daily amount of water is 9 glasses (or 2.2 liters total) per day for women and 13 glasses (or 3 liters total) per day for men.

There's a reason why you lose concentration and feel tired when you can't get a good night's sleep. it is, Rest is important for brain health. “Sleep feeds the brain” Dr. Suranya MisraThe Encino, Calif., primary care physician and founder of Mithra Wellness told Yahoo Life. Sleep is also the time when memories are processed and stored. “Lack of sleep can have a huge impact on your brain health,” she says. “My patients who work night shifts are suffering quite a bit. They are working against their body clock, so they have brain fog.”

Erickson recommends aiming to get seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night. “Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a relaxing pre-bedtime routine, and ensure a sleep environment that's comfortable and conducive to restful sleep,” she says. (Do you have trouble sleeping? These 6 tips will help you. )

“Learning how to make meaningful connections and develop meaningful relationships is important for our mental health, and in turn, our cognitive health,” says Kerr.In fact, one Large scale survey in 2023 More than 12,000 participants found that loneliness and isolation can increase the risk of dementia by more than 40%.

“We should prioritize regular interactions with people who can foster friendships, build quality family relationships, and make us feel like we're part of something bigger than ourselves,” Kerr added. Ta. “It has important benefits for our brain health and well-being at all ages.”

Needless to say stress is bad for the brain, or other parts of the body. Exercise your body by taking a walk in nature, get a good night's sleep, practice relaxation exercises Things like deep breathing and meditation can all help lower stress levels. But if you find that it's still affecting your memory or attention, Misra says it's worth getting the extra care your mental health needs. “Typically, this is mental or emotional work, perhaps with the help of a therapist or psychiatrist, or may require medication to help get through stressful times,” she says. say. “When you do that, your brain functions a little bit better in general.”




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