Clinical trial finds common diabetes drug reduces SARS-CoV-2 levels
Today, researchers at the University of Minnesota published evidence The common diabetes drug metformin has been shown to help reduce the amount of SARS-CoV-2 in the body and reduce the risk of rebound symptoms when given early in non-severe illness.
This research clinical infectionssuggests that metformin may also help prevent long-term coronavirus infections.
Researchers tested metformin and a placebo in 999 adults infected with COVID-19. More than 50% of study enrollees have been vaccinated and the treatment occurred at a time when the Omicron variant was the most predominant strain in the United States.
The study also included people at standard risk.
Additionally, study participants represent a standard-risk population, a population for which there are currently no effective treatment options for the coronavirus, said Dr. Carolyn Bramante, the study's principal investigator and an assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.
”Although this population is not a high-risk population,” Bramante told CIDRAP News. Instead, participants were over 30 years old, had a BMI of 25 or higher (overweight), and did not require hospitalization due to COVID-19.
Paxlobid has been shown in some trials to prevent death and hospitalization in unvaccinated high-risk people, but in standard-risk people, it has been shown to reduce the time it takes for symptoms to resolve and the risk of hospitalization and death. No improvement was seen in any of the incidence rates.
Bramante said these patient demographics suggest that metformin is a clinical tool in outpatient treatment with the potential for widespread use.
“The data supports that even if someone were to prescribe it for outpatient treatment, it would be justified.,” she said.
By day 10, viral load decreased by a quarter
Participants were given metformin for 14 days, and participants collected nasal swabs on days 1, 5, and 10. Bramante said early treatment is key. Participants will be enrolled within 3 days of a positive test and, if symptomatic, within 7 days of reporting having symptoms.
The authors found that mean SARS-CoV-2 viral load was reduced by 3.6 times with metformin compared to placebo by day 10, and that patients receiving metformin had a lower mean SARS-CoV-2 viral load on day 5 or 10. were less likely to have a detectable viral load than placebo (odds) ratio [OR]0.72; 95% confidence interval [CI]0.55 to 0.94).
Metformin reduced the odds of 28-day hospitalization or death by 58%. His 42% reduction in 14-day emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and deaths. 42% had long-term COVID-19 infection lasting 10 months.
Viral rebound, defined as a higher viral load on day 10 than on day 5, was more frequent with metformin (3.28%) than with placebo (5.95%; OR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.36 to 1.29). was low.
Although the mechanism of action is unknown, Bramante said metformin likely reduces inflammation and inhibits viral translation.
This study makes a strong case for the potential impact of metformin on the virological deterioration of COVID-19 infection.
With explanation About the study, the authors write: ”This study makes a strong case for the potential impact of metformin on the virologic attenuation of COVID-19 infection and prompts a re-evaluation of existing data supporting metformin's use.”
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