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Loneliness decreases in midlife but increases with age •

Loneliness decreases in midlife but increases with age •


Loneliness is not just a temporary feeling, but a permanent condition that has a profound effect on our psyche. health And happiness.Comprehensive research conducted by northwestern medicine found that loneliness in adulthood follows a U-shaped trajectory, peaking from young to old age and declining in middle age.

“Loneliness is a pervasive experience and has negative effects on health and well-being. Despite its importance, significant gaps exist in understanding how loneliness changes across adulthood and what factors contribute to it.” “A full understanding of what influences these changes has been hampered,” the study authors wrote.

The U-shaped loneliness pattern described by the researchers was consistently observed in nine longitudinal studies across multiple countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Australia, and Israel.

These studies COVID-19 pandemicwhich only exacerbated the feeling of loneliness around the world.

Key risk factors

The study identified several factors that contribute to increased loneliness throughout the lifespan. We know that women, those who are socially isolated, those with lower levels of education, and those with physical disabilities are at greater risk.

Socioeconomic factors such as low income, divorce or bereavement, and childbirth mentally poor Alternatively, physical health also plays an important role in contributing to this persistent state.

Study co-author Professor Eileen Graham highlighted the important nature of the issue. “Feelings of loneliness increase markedly as we get older. Given that loneliness, like daily smoking, is detrimental to health, we wonder who is most affected as we age past middle age and It is vital that we understand why,” Professor Graham said.

expanding epidemic

The study's revelations are timely, especially in light of the U.S. Surgeon General's declaration last year that classified loneliness as an epidemic requiring urgent intervention.

Professor Graham suggests that insights from this research could pave the way for targeted interventions to reduce social disparities and, in particular, loneliness among people. senior citizen.

One practical approach involves GPs assessing loneliness levels during routine health examinations, which could help identify at-risk individuals early. This proactive measure may help reduce the long-term effects of loneliness on your health.

Feelings of loneliness at different stages of adulthood

The relationship between social interaction and loneliness is complex. In midlife, people often engage in a variety of social activities that may provide a buffer against loneliness, such as through work, marriage, and parent-child interactions.

However, this is not a one-size-fits-all scenario. “You can feel lonely even if you have a lot of social interaction, or you can be relatively isolated and not feel lonely,” Professor Graham said.

For young adults, loneliness can be especially difficult during major life transitions, such as going to college, starting a career, or forming a new group. social circle.

“As people grow up and move from adolescence to middle age, they can establish more lasting relationships and social networks and protect themselves from loneliness,” said Tomiko Yoneda, a professor at the University of California, Davis. points out.

Coping with loneliness throughout life

The results of this study not only deepen our understanding of how loneliness evolves across the lifespan, but also highlight the need for customized strategies to address this growing problem at different stages of life. doing.

Addressing loneliness is not only about increasing social interactions, but also about increasing the quality of those interactions to promote true connection and well-being.

How loneliness affects your health

When people feel lonely, they are more likely to suffer from a variety of mental and physical health problems. For example, loneliness can contribute to increased stress levels, which in turn can affect the cardiovascular system and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. It has also been linked to higher rates of depression and anxiety, which can have a knock-on effect on overall well-being.

Physiologically, loneliness can affect sleep patterns, leading to poorer sleep quality and shorter sleep duration. This can worsen health problems and weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to various diseases.

Additionally, chronic loneliness can affect brain health and cognitive function, potentially contributing to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

From a behavioral perspective, lonely people may be less physically active and have different eating habits, which can lead to obesity and other related health problems. They may also be less likely to seek medical help or follow their advice, further increasing the risk of negative health outcomes.

The entire study was published in the journal psychological science.


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