Here’s how to donate plasma if you recover from COVID-19 in Arizona
There is no silver bullet for treating COVID-19, but one that appears to help some patients survive is the infusion of convalescent plasma.
of plasmaThose taken from the blood of people who have recovered from the virus contain antibodies that have already been synchronized with the fight against COVID-19. These enhancements of battle-enhanced cell soldiers are believed to help alter the flow of patient battle against the virus.
There is Not yet a definitive study About the effectiveness of treatment — some early studies Save lives, Other I’m not sure —But still, US Food and Drug Administration and Arizona Department of Health officials are asking for donations. Dr. Anthony Fauci, a national COVID-19 policy advisor, Said Information from further studies on the efficacy of convalescent plasma will also help develop the COVID-19 vaccine.
The problem with Arizona is that there isn’t enough right now. The state anticipates demand for convalescent plasma four times its current supply, said a non-profit vitalist spokesperson, Arizona’s largest blood supplier. She said that each donation would only take 30-45 minutes and could provide a transfer for up to four people, making a “live or dead” difference.
“This gives them the antibodies to give them the opportunity to fight to survive COVID-19,” Thew said.
Normally, plasma donors can only donate once a month, but due to an emergency, Vitalant allows weekly donations of convalescent plasma.
There are also economic benefits. Christine Anderson, BPL Plasma Center Manager at Phoenix, said BPL is offering $100 for each recovery plasma donation because of the high demand. To make a donation, you must have a positive COVID-19 test, be £110 for people 18 and older, and pass the regular plasma donor health screen.
Other requirements vary by facility. Vitalant wants potential donors to wait 28 days after the symptoms subside, whereas BPL Plasma only needs 14 days. Vitalant also won’t accept donations from men who have had sexual contact with other men during the last year, but Thew said it is working to update its policy to meet the recent FDA. Guidelines Only 3 months abstinence is required.
Anderson at BPL Plasma refused to share specific guidelines over the phone, as he didn’t want people to be “fooled” by the screening. But she encouraged those interested to go through the screening, regardless of any concerns they might be rejected.
If you’re interested in donating plasma, The Fight Is In Us, a coalition dedicated to collecting plasma donations from COVID-19 survivors, seems to have the most comprehensive list of donation centers. Just enter your zip code here You will be taken to the nearest place to accept your recovery plasma donation. You can then sign up for a particular site and get in touch with you about donation details. It won’t take long, they said: They are anxious for a donation.
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