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Only 42% say they will receive the coronavirus vaccine


Only 42% of American adults say they will receive the coronavirus vaccine, according to For Yahoo News / YouGov polls.

This is a follow-up of 1,506 American adults from July 28-30.

Back in early May when polls started asking this question, 55% said they would agree to be vaccinated. Since then, slippage has occurred every month. In late May the number dropped to 50%. In early July it was only 46%. Currently, it has decreased to 42%.

There is no vaccine at this time. But there was a lot of talk about miracle vaccines in the immediate vicinity—as you know, Durham Survey..

Anyway, what is the problem that is causing this lack of trust? Why only 42% agree with the vaccine?

In the first place, I don’t like to hear the words “hurry” and “vaccine” in the same sentence.

But according to polls, 19-25% are sure they have never been vaccinated and 26-33% don’t know what they do. So in the end, 70-80% of the people will be able to agree and put us in the area of ​​herd immunity.

Most of us wait for those who want to jump immediately on the vaccination train to see what happens to others.

It won’t be me.

I’m sorry, I’m not a hero. If I was single, maybe my only duty to my wife is to keep mine because her health is sketchy. And finally that’s her decision, but I’m sure hell isn’t going to offer her as an early volunteer.

Overall, I’m a vaccine. I think these anti-boxers are nuts. Like air conditioners and Blu-rays, vaccines are proof that God loves us. But when you were born into the privilege of modern America, and even if the government classifies you as “poor,” you are still born to the privilege of modern America. It’s easy to forget what life was like when polio, smallpox, and diphtheria couldn’t wipe out a child. Thanks.

We are spoiled for spoiling ourselves and we can’t imagine being destroyed by these quaint illnesses that are sometimes mentioned in black and white films. A celebrity who is famous only for her bra size.

The same goes for crime. You need to be 60 years old to remember the hell of urban violence in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. That reality is far from yours, so why not defend the police and empty the prison?

We are a country of ignorant children driving fast cars without seeing the steering wheel.

Nevertheless, caution regarding this vaccine is justified.

Why do you agree to get vaccinated for something less deadly, as well as things in a hurry?

I know it’s heresy to tell the truth about the dangers of coronaviruses, but the fact that Chinese flu is less dangerous than regular flu if you’re under 50 is simply medical and scientific. It’s a fact.

So if all you have to worry about is why take a rushed vaccine?

I don’t

People who are at risk and who fully understand the risks associated with vaccines should be vaccinated.

My wife will probably eventually decide to vaccinate, and I’m 54, so I might do that-especially if that means I no longer need to wear a mask.

Another thing to remember is that if the vaccine is released before the 2020 presidential election, the media treats it like completely harmless (prescription) hydroxychloroquine-which is a deadly poison. It seems. The media wants as many people as possible to die, blaming President Trump. I will not say lightly. Because it’s true. People know this. This is another reason for skepticism.

Who do you trust?

The Democrats are convinced they don’t trust Trump and are terribly skeptical of the October cure.

The rest of us don’t trust Anthony “Scam” Forch, where he tells us masks until the media say he saves lives and the media tells him to throw baseball like a girl. We’ll tell us to close the church, but it’s not a major protest.

Only fools will block us for no reason and trust the medical community that encouraged Marxist protests.

From the medical community to the media, all our facilities are garbage. That means we are all alone here. When alone, skepticism is much healthier than rushed vaccines.

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