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PAHO promotes a balance of primary healthcare delivery


Dr. Carissa Etienne, Director of Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), urges Member States to take the necessary steps to achieve a “careful balance”, especially in public health care delivery at the first level.

This is essential in the light of new “warning signs” for the “catastrophic” effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on health services for other diseases across the region, she said. It was

The director was speaking during PAHO’s COVID-19 Digital Briefing on Tuesday (August 4).

Dr. Etienne said the Americas is in a “tight grip” on the pandemic, as evidenced by the more than 9.7 million cases and 365,000 deaths confirmed in the August 3 record, ” The numbers continue to increase.”

As a result of this development, she said local health workers have been redirected to respond to the influx of COVID-19 patients in their respective countries.

However, the PAHO Director is not available to doctors or nurses who provide other essential services at the first (primary) level of care, such as pregnancy related care or management of infectious diseases such as chronic illnesses such as diabetes or infectious diseases I warned you because of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria or because these services could be seriously disrupted or even “completely stopped”.

At the same time, Dr. Etienne said he was worried about seeking care because of fear of COVID-19 infection, saying, “Assuming that care is not available, postponing necessary help and deteriorating health.” Often,” he added.

She further added that clinics and hospitals are still struggling to replenish their inventory with the necessary medicines and personal protective equipment as pandemics strain global supply chains and slow global trade. I said that.

Dr. Etienne said the treatment of HIV-infected individuals could be disrupted as 11 PAHO countries currently supply antiretroviral drugs for less than three months.

He said that in some countries, within the next three months, TB drugs and the reagents needed to diagnose TB are likely to run out in half the time.

“Using up these consumables is not just an option. We cannot allow this to happen. The long-term response to this pandemic needs to include the provision of other critical life-saving services. Yes, Dr. Etienne needs to adapt and commit to reducing the impact of COVID-19 at the same time that countries provide these essential primary care services at the same time.

PAHO has been sharing best practices and working with governments to make the necessary adjustments over the last few months, and has reengineered and invested in essential healthcare delivery as a top priority.

Against this background, Dr. Etienne urged local authorities to devote at least 6% of their gross domestic product (GDP) to strengthening the country’s health system, saying, “The best and most efficient way to do this is Prioritize the first level of care.”

Using her resource-rich primary healthcare system, she said, “Countries can respond to COVID-19 by providing testing and contact tracking, while at the same time providing other essential services such as vaccinations. Insisted. [and] Mental health support, at the first level of care”

“The integrated approach saves patients, time and resources, while improving the quality of care they receive. Major healthcare investments also improve efficiency, reduce healthcare costs, and increase hospital and community costs. It will enable us to expand our capabilities in the medical field,” Dr. Etienne added.

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