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Research finds Covid-19 patients may develop skin rashes and discoloration


But were they really related to the new coronavirus? After all, many other factors may be working.

“Other data are needed when cataloging these case reports, as many viral infections can cause a skin rash. Was the patient on medication a week before the rash began? Is there another possible cause?” I asked Dr. Art Papier, an associate professor of dermatology at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York.

“This is a challenge that Covid-19 poses. Is it hives because in these different types of presentations and different rashes, patients have hives or Covid-19-related hives?”

Patients aged 40 to 80 had a lesion called discoloration of the skin. Purpura, According to the research report.
A biopsy is done for each patient, Vascular disorderThat means the blood vessels have been affected.

Researchers write from the New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell College of Medicine in a report that skin discoloration may represent partial occlusion or occlusion of blood vessels, and reticulo purpura may represent complete occlusion. ..

Studies say that such rashes and skin discolorations can be “clinical clues” that blood can clot in the body. From the early stages of the pandemic, doctors Abnormal blood coagulation in the patient..

This report has some limitations, including the inability of the investigators to determine the exact timing of the first appearance of a rash or other skin problem in each patient. Also, more studies are needed to determine if similar results appear in a larger group of Covid-19 patients.

Yet overall, the researchers report that physicians caring for Covid-19 patients should recognize skin discolorations and rashes as “potential symptoms” of abnormal and potential blood clotting. I am writing.

“Many viral infections can affect the skin.”

Doctors and researchers around the world have also reported other types of skin rashes in Covid-19 patients.

Covid-19 often causes severe inflammation in victims and, in some cases, a so-called cytokine storm that appears to cause the worst damage to advanced patients.

The skin is particularly sensitive to inflammation, said Dr. Simal Desai, a dermatologist who is a spokesperson for the American Dermatological Association.

“The cytokines that stimulate the car’s immune engine cause these various immune molecules to get into the skin and cause catastrophic damage to the skin,” said Desai, a dermatologist in Plano, Texas.

In July, Researchers at King’s College London The United Kingdom called for skin rashes and “Covid’s fingers and toes” to be considered the main symptoms of Covid-19, arguing that they may occur in the absence of other symptoms.
Covid-19: What we now know about the disease caused by the new coronavirus
The main accepted symptoms of coronavirus include fever, cough, and shortness of breath, but various other signs have been suggested. Another outlier, loss of smell and taste, was recently included by U in the list of the most common symptoms.Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Researchers at King’s College used data from the Covid-19 Symptom Survey app submitted by about 336,000 people in the UK. They account for 8.8% of people who are coronavirus positive Skin rash as a symptom, Compared with 5.4% of those who were judged negative.

The KLC team then set up another online survey, gathering information from approximately 12,000 individuals with suspected or confirmed skin rashes and Covid-19. The researchers found that 17% of respondents who reported a positive coronavirus reported a rash as the first symptom of the disease. In 21% of those who reported a rash and confirmed Covid-19, only the rash was a symptom.

Coronavirus and herpes zoster cases left me alone more than any other time in my life
Researchers have their findings Preprint survey posted on the online server The findings are not yet published in peer-reviewed journals.
“It’s not surprising to see these rashes on Covid-19 because many viral infections can affect the skin,” survey, Said in a press release In July.

“But it is important for people to know that a rash is the first or only symptom,” Bataille said. “So if you notice a new rash, you should take it seriously by self-diagnosing and testing as soon as possible.”

Rash like measles or rash in mouth

In the preliminary survey, Skin rashes and lesions in the mouth It can be a symptom of a coronavirus infection-but researchers say more research is needed.
May, Scientists around the world have done a literature review The patient was also found to have had a red, itchy swelling, and a red or pinkish rash that looked like measles.

“This is what we usually call measles, which means measles. It’s like pink spots, with lots of small pink spots all over the skin.” Dermatologist at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

Another study published in JAMA dermatology in JulyFound 21 out of 21 patients with Covid-19 in Spain and a confirmed skin rash, 6 or 29% had an enanthem, a lesion or rash on their mouth.

According to researchers at the Universitario Ramon y Cajal Hospital in Madrid, the average time between symptoms of Covid-19 and the onset of enantem was about 12 days between patients.

“This study explains preliminary observations and is limited by the small number of cases and the lack of controls,” the researchers wrote, finding their potential enantem Covid-19. He added that it was a symptom and not a reaction to the drug. For example.

“Despite the increasing reports of skin rashes in COVID-19 patients, establishing a etiology is difficult,” the researchers wrote. “But the presence of enanthem is a powerful clue that suggests the etiology of the virus, not the drug response.”


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