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Whooping cough outbreak reported in eastern Newfoundland

Whooping cough outbreak reported in eastern Newfoundland


A young girl covers her mouth with her arm while coughing.
There have been 42 cases of whooping cough reported in eastern Newfoundland since February, according to provincial health officials. (Winnipeg Health Region)

Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services has confirmed an outbreak of whooping cough in eastern Newfoundland, with more than 40 cases reported in the region since February.

Most of the 42 cases of the highly contagious disease have been reported in school children, but the disease has also been seen in children as young as two months old and people as old as 89 years old, state health officials said.

“This is something that has always been present in the community, but right now we're seeing a little bit of a big spike locally,” Dr. Natalie Bridger, a pediatric infectious disease specialist with NL Health Services, said Thursday.

He said it is not unusual for cases to spike every three to four years based on weakened immunity.

The Ministry of Education told CBC News in a statement that it is aware of six cases of whooping cough in five schools across the province.

The state typically sees only three to four cases of the disease, also known as whooping cough, each year, but the health department said 50 cases have been reported across the state so far this year.

The disease usually begins with cold-like symptoms and is spread by close contact with an infected person through coughing or sneezing. Bridger said symptoms often linger and get worse before they get better.

“That first stage lasts for a few weeks, and then you move into the stage that people commonly associate with it. [with] “Pertussis symptoms can last for six to eight weeks,” Bridger said.

Watch | Dr. Natalie Bridger explains the symptoms:

Whooping cough is on the rise in New Jersey. Symptoms include:

Newfoundland and Labrador has confirmed 50 cases of whooping cough, or whooping cough, so far this year, compared to the usual three or four cases a year. Dr. Natalie Bridger, a pediatric infectious disease expert, says people need to make sure their vaccinations are up to date.

Babies under one year of age and pregnant women in their third trimester are considered to be at high risk of infection.

NL Health Services has opened an appointment-only testing clinic at 50 Mundy Pond Rd. at St. John's.

Tests are available to people who have pertussis symptoms or who have been in contact with a confirmed case. For reservations, call 709-762-7852 or text 1-877-709-0512.

A smiling woman with blonde hair and glasses is standing in the boardroom.
Dr. Natalie Bridger, a pediatric infectious disease specialist with New Jersey Health Services, said whooping cough usually comes in waves every three to four years. However, the number of cases reported through May is significantly higher than previous years. (Marc Quinn/CBC)

Residents are being asked to protect themselves by covering their coughs and sneezes, washing their hands regularly and staying home if they feel sick.

Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Janice Fitzgerald told CBC News in April that people should make sure they are up to date on the whooping cough vaccine.

This vaccine is part of the recommended routine childhood and school immunization schedule, but booster doses are recommended for adults and pregnant women.

Bridger said the state's vaccination rate is very good, with about 90% of people vaccinated.

However, vaccination rates are lower in other parts of Canada, he said, and vaccine fatigue and anti-vaccine protests during the COVID-19 pandemic may also be contributing factors. added.

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