New variant of novel coronavirus infection “FLiRT” identified—what you need to know
SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, continues to mutate, with the latest variants emerging in time for summer.
The newly identified group, named “FLiRT,” includes a variant called KP.2, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists as the predominant strain in the United States, and which ultimately accounted for 25% of newly sequenced cases. 2 weeks in April. Another strain, his KP.1.1, is less widespread, but he played a role in 7.5% of cases during that period.
meanwhile COVID Although infection rates in the United States are still relatively low overall, you may be wondering how worried we should be about the emergence of these new variants.
Here's what you need to know about FLiRT stock, including whether we can expect a wave of coronavirus this summer.
The FLiRT mutation group is named after the technical names of its mutations: F456L and R346T.These are the parts of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Strain first detected in 2021.
The new variant is a descendant of JN.1, the main variant circulating in the United States this winter. This strain is currently the second most prevalent, accounting for 22% of cases.
In April, FLiRT stock quickly became dominant. In the last week of March, KP.2 accounted for only about 4% of coronavirus cases, but just a few weeks later, it accounted for about a quarter.
Shira Madad, DHSc, MScsaid the senior director of the systemwide special pathogen program at NYC Health + Hospitals and a fellow at Harvard University's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. health The current data do not show that “variants in FLiRT are associated with increased disease severity.”
But public health agencies are still studying the new variants, so it's too early to know for sure whether they cause more severe disease, she added. “As public health officials continue to collect and analyze data about these variants, recommendations and public health guidelines may be updated to reflect new insights,” she said.
According to the CDC, the most common new coronaviruses are: symptoms include:
- heat
- cold
- cough
- Malaise
- loss of taste or smell
- body pain
- headache
- sore throat
- traffic jam
- nausea
- diarrhea
- shortness of breath
new coronavirus vaccine You need to protect yourself from new strains.Still, preliminary evidence suggests it may not provide as Much like we did for JN.1 last winter, we also put in place a lot of protection against the FLiRT variant. That's because, compared to JN.1, the new variant is more distantly related to XBB 1.5, the strain targeted by the latest coronavirus boosters.
The good news is that the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that future coronavirus vaccine formulations be based on: JN.1It is more closely related to the FLiRT variant.
So far, the new variant does not appear to be causing an increase in coronavirus cases in the United States.
The amount of SARS-CoV-2 virus detected in U.S. sewage remains “minimal,” according to the CDC, and the number of cases did not increase in April. Additionally, the number of coronavirus-related hospitalizations and deaths have been declining since January 2024, when JN.1 arrived on the scene.
Although FLiRT variants are unlikely to lead to a significant increase in case rates; Dr Mark Cameronsaid the associate professor in the Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. health. But he said it was possible.
“This virus has surprised us in countless ways,” he says. “If past is prologue, the FLiRT strain has plenty of time to create something new that could make waves before the next cold and flu season begins in earnest this fall. It's sexual.”
The CDC recommends getting the latest information about coronavirus vaccines and boosters. If you are not sure if or when you need treatment, ask your doctor. amplifier.
Other precautions include practicing good hygiene, such as washing your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds, and taking steps to improve air quality in your home, such as opening doors and using exhaust fans. This includes taking the following steps:
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