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Study suggests common cooking ingredients may reduce risk of death from dementia

Study suggests common cooking ingredients may reduce risk of death from dementia


Injecting more olive oil Adding it to your diet may have significant benefits for cognitive health and longevity, new research suggests.

Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and other universities analyzed health data on more than 92,000 adults over 28 years. The average age of the participants was 56 years, and none had heart disease or cancer.

They found that people who consumed 7 grams or more of olive oil a day had a 28% lower risk of dementia-related death than those who consumed little or no olive oil.


File – A woman making stir-fried food.Getty Images

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this is, the quality of the person's diet.

Dietary data were collected from a questionnaire. People reported their frequency of olive oil consumption.

Researchers compared it to dementia mortality rates.

“Consuming olive oil instead of margarine or mayonnaise is associated with a lower risk of dementia mortality and may be a potential strategy to improve dementia-free longevity,” researchers wrote. stated in the research results.

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“These findings extend current dietary recommendations to choose olive oil and other vegetable oils into the context of cognitive health and associated mortality.”

According to Lindsey Allan, registered dietitian, nutritionist, and owner of Back in Balance Nutrition, LLC, the benefits of consuming olive oil are due to its antioxidant properties. Tampa Bay, Florida.

Alan was not involved in the Harvard study.

“Oxidative stress is one of the main root causes of disease. This is why consuming lots of antioxidant-rich foods, which have the ability to 'quench' free radicals and 'oxidants' that damage cells. That's why we always talk. ” she told FOX News Digital.

“Extra virgin olive oil is one of the foods that is extremely high in phenolic compounds that act as powerful antioxidants in the body,” she continued.

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“Therefore, it stands to reason that frequent consumption of olive oil, as opposed to the highly oxidized, processed seed oils commonly found in grocery stores, reduces neuronal damage caused by oxidative stress. ”

Tanya Freilich, a registered dietitian and lupus nutritionist in Charlotte, North Carolina, who was not involved in the study, commented: health benefits of olive oil.

“Olive oil is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are nutritious fats that many people don't get enough of,” she told FOX News Digital.

“High intake of omega-3 is known to reduce dementia and cognitive decline. The link between consumption of olive oil, a good source of omega-3, and lower risk of dementia. It’s great to be relevant.”

Alzheimer's Society experts said the study had “significant limitations”.

“This research will examine people's health records, death records, Meals and Meal Frequency “We conducted a survey to identify possible associations between specific food intake and risk of dementia-related death,” said Rebecca M. Edel, senior director of scientific initiatives at the Alzheimer's Association. Dr. Meyer said.

“This is not an intervention study where some people ate olive oil and others didn't. This is the 'gold standard' for how clinical trials of treatments are conducted. This means that this research can show a connection or connection between two things. However, we cannot prove causation. ”

Edelmayer also pointed out that death records may not be a reliable measure of dementia mortality. Alzheimer's disease The cause of death is often “underreported.”

Edelmayer added that because this study focused primarily on non-Hispanic whites, there is also a need for research with broader populations.

“There is high-quality evidence that consuming more olive oil and similar vegetable oils and lowering animal fats has particular health benefits. heart health benefits,” she said.

“It would be great if certain foods could slow or prevent Alzheimer’s disease, but there is no scientific evidence that these claims are true. Randomized controlled clinical trials are needed to evaluate.”

Experts agree that many factors come into play when assessing dementia risk.

“In addition to consuming olive oil, people should aim to exercise regularly, pursue hobbies that stimulate the mind, and consume other things. healthy food “We can prevent the onset of dementia to the greatest extent possible,” Frierich said.

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“Additionally, other habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as health conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and high cholesterol, can also contribute to the development of dementia.”

It is also important to maintain a regular schedule doctor's appointment Experts say this is to manage other health risks.

Fox News Digital has reached out to the study authors for additional comment.

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