Seasonal allergies are getting worse: what should I do?
If you swear your allergies will be worse this spring, between bouts of sneezing and coughing, and itchy, watery eyes, you're probably right.
For tens of millions of Americans who suffer from pollen each year, the situation will only get worse as warmer temperatures worsen seasonal allergies, causing plants to bloom earlier and producing pollen for longer.
“When we have a milder season, things start to thaw earlier. … Things start to bloom earlier, and then pollen production starts earlier. Most of the time, pollen production starts a few weeks in advance. “Because people who suffer from seasonal allergies, their symptoms become more noticeable earlier than normal,” said Dr. Devan Doshi, an allergist with the Allergy, Asthma and Lung Center in Royal Oak. “Pollen production now not only starts earlier, but continues for a longer period of time, so pollen amounts are higher and seasons last longer.”
“Unfortunately, this has been a trend for the last few years, and it seems like the situation will get even worse if temperatures remain mild each winter,” he continued.
This year has been a particularly warm winter, so it's no wonder that allergy symptoms have become noticeably stronger during this season.
What are seasonal allergies?
When pollen comes into contact with the eyes or nose, many people's bodies recognize it as a foreign object such as bacteria or viruses, and feel the need to protect themselves from the pollen. The body releases protective chemicals that cause devastating allergy symptoms.
Spring allergies are often caused by tree pollen, summer allergies are usually caused by grass, and fall allergy symptoms can be caused by wheat, ragweed, or mold.
Although all environmental allergies cause the same itchy, runny nose, and throat symptoms, tree pollen is a common allergy to seasonal allergies, considering that the high heights of trees make it easy for gusts of wind to blow away powdery and particulate pollen. more likely to be the cause, Dorsey says. Raise and spread.
Common tree species that cause allergy symptoms in metropolitan Detroit are oak, birch, maple, cedar, and pine.
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What outdoor conditions make allergies worse or better?
Dry, breezy days can make allergy symptoms worse because gusts of wind can scatter more tiny pollen grains.
On the other hand, rainy or humid days can help “wash” tree pollen from the air, reducing allergies because the pollen is so wet that it is no longer easily carried.
Furthermore, pollen counts are typically highest in the morning when plants release more pollen in line with the daily activity of pollinators and before humidity reduces the weight of pollen.
What is the best way to check pollen levels?
Determining the exact amount of pollen can be difficult, Doshi said, given that pollen amounts can vary based on broad conditions, such as the weather, or specific conditions, such as your neighborhood. It states that there is.
“Weather is a really big part…and what's going on locally,” Doshi said. “If you live in an area where people mow their lawns regularly, you're going to increase some of the pollen you receive.”
However, you can get a general idea of pollen counts by checking your local weather app or entering your zip code into a pollen count tracker like this: weather forecast channel, IQAir or
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How to prevent or reduce allergies
Allergy symptoms can be prevented by limiting exposure to pollen and other environmental allergens, especially when pollen levels are high.
- Close all windows around you, including those in your home, car, and office, to block pollen.
- If you want to go for a walk outdoors, wait until dusk or after rain when pollen levels are lower.
- If you have spent time outdoors, change your clothes and take a bath when you return indoors to remove pollen from your hair, clothes, and body.
- If you have pets outdoors, wipe their fur and paws to avoid tracking pollen inside your home.
- If these precautions are not enough, you can install an electrostatic intake filter to further protect your indoor environment from pollen.
Treatment involves taking antihistamines, which suppress the body's immune response, and other over-the-counter medications to reduce symptoms. If your allergic reaction is severe or makes you feel downright miserable, your doctor may recommend allergen immunotherapy to increase your tolerance to the allergen.
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