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Yoga asanas to prevent blood clotting

Yoga asanas to prevent blood clotting


World Hypertension Day 2024: Yoga asanas that help prevent blood clotting

World Hypertension Day 2024: Yoga improves blood circulation and helps prevent blood clotting

World Hypertension Day is an annual observance celebrated on May 17th that aims to raise awareness about hypertension (hypertension) and promote the prevention, detection, and management of this condition.

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease, so it's important to educate the public about its risks and the importance of maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. This year's theme is “Accurately measure blood pressure, control blood pressure, and live longer.”

Blood coagulation or coagulation is the process by which blood forms clots to prevent excessive bleeding when blood vessels are damaged. This involves a series of steps in which platelets (a type of blood cell) and proteins in the plasma (clotting factors) work together to form a blood clot at the injured area and stop the bleeding. Blood clotting is essential for healing, but abnormal clotting can lead to conditions such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism, and other cardiovascular diseases.

Through gentle stretching, increased heart rate, and relaxation, yoga improves blood circulation and helps prevent blood clotting. Read on for a step-by-step guide to yoga asanas that help prevent blood clots.

The yoga asanas that help prevent blood clotting are:

1. Tadasana

Tadasana promotes good posture and helps maintain optimal blood flow throughout the body. Improve your breathing by strengthening your core muscles and increase oxygenation of your blood.

2. Vrikshasana

Improves leg balance and muscle tone, promotes venous return and prevents blood stagnation. It requires concentration and calmness, reduces stress and lowers blood pressure.

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Prevents blood clotting, promotes blood circulation in the upper body, stretches the legs and promotes blood flow. Turn your body over to aid venous return and reduce stress on your heart.

4. Trikonasana

Stretch and strengthen your legs, promote blood circulation and prevent blood stagnation. The chest opens up, improving lung capacity and oxygen delivery to the heart.

5. Virabhadrasana II

Tones the legs and improves venous return from the lower extremities. Builds stamina and cardiovascular endurance through sustained muscle work.

6. Bandhasana on Saturday

Elevate your lower body and promote blood flow from your legs back to your heart. Opens the chest, improves respiratory function and promotes blood oxygenation.

7. Sarvangasana

It reverses the effects of gravity on the body, promoting venous return and preventing blood from pooling in the legs. It stimulates the thyroid and helps regulate blood pressure and metabolism.

8. Viparita Karani

Passively drains blood from the leg, reducing the risk of blood clot formation. It can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and lower blood pressure.

9. Paschimottanasana

Stretch your hamstrings and back, improve blood circulation and reduce muscle tension. Encourages deep, slow breathing, promotes oxygen exchange, and reduces the burden on the heart.

10. Savasana

Improves circulation throughout the body by reducing muscle tension and promotes total body relaxation. Reduces stress and anxiety, promotes a healthy heart rate, and lowers blood pressure.

Incorporating these asanas into your regular yoga practice can help maintain healthy blood circulation, reduce stress, and prevent symptoms related to abnormal blood clotting. Always consult a health care professional before starting a new exercise regimen, especially if you have a history of blood clotting disorders.

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or doctor for more information. NDTV is not responsible for this information.




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