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World Breastfeeding Week: 10 Essential Nutrition Tips for Mothers


World Breastfeeding Week: 10 Essential Nutrition Tips for Mothers

New Delhi, August 6 (SocialNews.XYZ) For women who have recently become mothers, a healthy and nutritious diet is essential to promote breastfeeding. This is essential for the newborn to share the nutrition it needs. This obliges the mother to consume foods that benefit her physical health, giving her enough energy to fight post-pregnancy pressures, especially as pandemics disrupt our daily lives. Is required.

This World Breastfeeding Week, Roy Shelatkar, vice president of Meyer Vitabiotics and Fitness and Nutrition Expert, shares 10 essential nutrient tips for a new mother.

Calcium: Babies need to develop bone structures, and calcium is the best aid for that. It plays an important role in the development of the teeth of the newborn and should be included in the diet of the lactating mother. Milk, cheese, yogurt, tofu, and nuts are some of the foods that are high in calcium and need to be consumed. Calcium is essential for nursing mothers. This is because the mother loses up to 15% of her body’s calcium and about 3-5% of her bone mass while raising her baby.

Protein: The inclusion of proteins is very important because they act as building blocks of tissue and promote growth. Newborn babies need these nutrients, so new mothers must include eggs, lean meat, fish, peanut butter, and beans in their diet.

Omega-3: An important source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), omega-3 fatty acids offer many benefits, including support for baby’s eye and brain development, reduced risk of chronic disease, and reduced effects of ADHD. I will. The best source of omega-3 fatty acids is fish such as salmon and trout. For vegetarian mothers, flaxseed, soybeans, walnuts and pumpkin seeds are a good source of omega-3s.

Probiotics: Probiotics are the “good” bacteria that help fight the “bad” bacteria that cause infections. This is important for newborns, as their immune system is still weak during this time. Yogurt, paniles, green peas, kimchi, pickles, idli and buttermilk are excellent sources of probiotics to include in your diet.

Iron: Iron helps the baby’s brain and blood cells develop and should be part of the new mother’s diet. Lentils, beans, tofu, spinach and cashews are natural sources of iron and should be included in your diet plan. Iron is also an essential nutrient for new mothers, as blood loss during childbirth, followed by fatigue with infants and long nights, and iron consumption helps to cope with it.

Reduced Caffeine Intake: After 9 months of avoiding caffeine, new mothers can finally enjoy the coffee again, but overdose of caffeine leaks into the mother’s milk and reaches the baby’s system There is a possibility.

Consider Supplements: It is recommended that you take vitamin B-12 supplements daily. Vitamin B-12 is mainly found in animal foods, making it difficult to get enough of it on a vegetarian diet. In addition, vitamin D supplements help absorb calcium and phosphorus. New mothers should consider adding these to their daily diet.

Be reasonably active: doing physical activity for your new mother while breastfeeding is perfectly fine and it does not affect your baby’s growth or breast milk supply. Active walking and bi-level horizontal exercise of moderate intensity 3-4 times a week help reduce stress levels, improve energy levels and increase bone strength.

Avoid Empty Calories: The first few days after childbirth are very busy, and it’s very appealing for new mothers to turn to comfortable and junk food. These types of foods contain some empty calories that can affect your body’s insulin levels, which can lead to obesity.

Avoid smoking and drinking: This is a big “no” for breastfeeding mothers because harmful toxins are transferred to the baby through the milk. In addition, it is important not to use drugs that are not approved by your doctor.

(You can contact Puja Gupta at [email protected])

Source: IANS

World Breastfeeding Week: 10 Essential Nutrition Tips for Mothers

about Gopi

Gopi Adusumilli is a programmer. He is the editor of Social News.XYZ and the president of AGK Fire Inc.

He enjoys designing websites, developing mobile applications, and publishing news articles about the latest events from a variety of certified news sources.

As for writing, he likes to write about current world politics and Indian cinema. His future plans include developing SocialNews.XYZ into a news website.

He can be reached at [email protected]

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