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Coronavirus: Pub reopening at NI may be delayed


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Currently, pubs and hotel bars in Northern Ireland can only be fully opened when serving meals

There is growing speculation that NI’s indoor pub, which sells only alcohol, will have a late start date.

BBC News NI understands that the chief medical officer advises that the so-called “wet bar” should not reopen on schedule on Monday.

The Prime Minister will consider the matter at a meeting on Thursday.

A few days after the Irish government decided to postpone the reopening date of the pub By August 31 at the earliest.

Currently, pubs and hotel bars in Northern Ireland can only be fully opened for meals.

Those selling alcohol only are limited to serving outdoor customers.

Last month, executives announced a planned date for August 10 for the pub to be fully reopened, but said it would have to sign off sooner depending on the prevalence. Community of Covid-19.

BBC News NI understands that Dr. Michael McBride recommends postponing the date and continuing consideration, but it is up to the minister to follow that advice.

“Fatal blow”

Hospitality Alster Colin Neal said further delays would be a “fatal blow” for many smaller pubs.

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The opening of the indoor bar in the Republic of Ireland has been postponed to the end of the month

“I am grateful that I am traveling to the whole island, but the virus incidence is lower than in the Republic,” he told BBC News NI.

“When a decision is made to postpone the date, executives need to step up in the financial package.

“Every day it’s very important to these businesses, they’re on their fingernails and some can’t be restarted already, but their numbers increase as this continues every day.”

Facecovering confusion

Ministers will also discuss a proposal from Health Minister Robin Swan to expedite the review of forced over-the-counter face wear.

Face coverings are highly recommended for shops in Northern Ireland, but are not required.

NI Executive is currently planning to review the policy on August 20th, from which date it can be legalized.

However, Mr. Swan hopes to postpone the examination by August 13th and be given enforcement authority the next day.

In a letter to executive co-workers BBC News NI saw on Sunday, he said there was “awareness-just or not” of mixed messaging that needed to be removed.

Eddie Lynch, a senior member of the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Elderly, says that the current level of public wearing of masks is causing “great concern among the elderly,” many of whom are out of lockdown.

The shield period for vulnerable people ended in Northern Ireland on 31 July.

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Northern Ireland shop face masks are currently recommended but not required

Lynch said executives must take action if the compliance level of wearing a face mask does not rise.

“If this doesn’t happen quickly, Northern Ireland executives will have to move earlier to require masks,” he added.

“Wearing face masks and covers, along with other measures already in place, offers the best opportunity to keep virus levels low in Northern Ireland and to protect many of the most vulnerable citizens.”

A publicity campaign to encourage the spread of face covers will begin later this week.

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