Breakthrough imaging technology reveals detailed scleral patterns in myopic eyes
Eye diseases are highly prevalent around the world, with recent estimates suggesting that one-third of the world's population suffers from some form of visual impairment. Because the human eye is so complex, the exact cause and nature of many eye diseases remains unknown, and diagnostic and treatment options for affected people are limited.
The research results are now published online on March 7, 2024, in Volume 142, Issue 4. JAMA Ophthalmology April 1, 2024 A research team at Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) in Japan has pioneered the use of a new type of optical coherence tomography (OCT), a technique widely used in clinical ophthalmology, to provide a detailed We conducted an inspection. Structure of the sclera – the white outer layer of the eyeball.
The underlying motivation for this study is the limited options currently available to ophthalmologists for investigating scleral details in living patients and specimens. ”The sclera is made up of collagen fibers and plays an important role in protecting the retina, optic nerve, and other nerve tissue in the eye. Therefore, abnormalities in the shape of the sclera can lead to various complications that can lead to blindness.” explains lead author Dr. Kyoko Ohno Matsui.However, until now only the thickness of the sclera of living subjects had been measured, and there was no way to obtain details such as the orientation of collagen fibers over large areas of the eye.”
To overcome this limitation, researchers developed a setup to perform polarization-sensitive OCT (PS-OCT), a technique in which the polarization of light acts as a contrast mechanism. ”Sclera has a property called birefringence, which is an optical property of a material whose refractive index depends on polarization. Birefringence is commonly observed in fibrous tissues with periodically organized nanostructures, such as the sclera.” commented senior author Dr. Tae Igarashi Yokoi.Therefore, in addition to the birefringence magnitude, which provides information about the fiber density, PS-OCT can also display the orientation axis of the birefringence, which is related to the orientation of the fiber bundle itself.”
Using this technique, the team investigated the properties of collagen fibers in the sclera of highly myopic patients. They also highlighted the link between myopathy and a medical condition known as dome macular (DSM), in which a special area of the retina bulges outward. Their analysis included her 89 highly myopic eyes from a total of 72 patients, most of whom were adults over the age of 50.
After carefully observing the acquired PS-OCT images, the researchers discovered that the sclera is divided into an inner layer and an outer layer, each with a different structural arrangement. In the inner layer, fibers radiate from around the optic nerve. In contrast, the fibers of the outer layer run perpendicular to the fibers of the inner layer. Interestingly, in DSM patients, fibers in the inner layer were aggregated and thickened, whereas fibers in the outer layer were compressed and thinned.
Successful visualization of fibrous tissue organization within ocular structures using PS-OCT could have a significant impact on clinical research, diagnosis, and treatment. ”Given that scleral pathologies such as DSM and staphylomas commonly occur in myopic eyes, recognizing fiber patterns can help address scleral abnormalities early and prevent potential damage to the overlying neural tissue. Important insights may be gained that may be relevant to the development of targeted therapies to reduce damage.” said senior author Dr. Masahiro Yamanari.
We hope that PS-OCT will lead to impactful medical discoveries and help more people protect their precious vision.
Reference magazines:
Ohno-Matsui, K., other. (2024). Polarization-sensitive OCT imaging of scleral abnormalities in eyes with high myopia and dome-shaped macula. JAMA Ophthalmology.
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