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Second dairy worker diagnosed with bird flu

Second dairy worker diagnosed with bird flu


State and federal health officials announced Wednesday a second confirmed case of avian influenza in a diary worker in Michigan.

Symptoms were mild and consisted only of conjunctivitis. A Texas dairy farm worker who contracted the virus in March also developed conjunctivitis.

Nirav Shah, principal deputy director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said at a press conference on Wednesday that the discovery was “not unexpected” and was a scenario “we were prepared for.”

He said state and federal health officials have been closely monitoring farm and slaughterhouse workers since H5N1 was discovered in dairy cows, and urged farmers and farm worker organizations to “not be alarmed. He urged people to be cautious.

Federal officials say they believe the human health threat from bird flu remains low. However, people who come into contact with infected or potentially infected livestock or birds should take precautions, such as avoiding dead animals and wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) when close contact is necessary. It emphasizes the need to take action.

The Michigan patient's nasal swab was negative for influenza, but the patient's eye swab was sent to CDC and tested positive for the influenza A(H5N1) virus.

This is the third case of H5N1 reported in the United States. A poultry worker in Colorado was confirmed to be infected in 2022.

While the three U.S. farmworkers experienced mild symptoms, people in other parts of the world have suffered more severe symptoms, including death. According to the World Health Organization, 888 human cases of infection have been reported in 23 countries between January 1, 2003 and March 28, 2024. 463 people have died.

In preparation for a broader outbreak, the CDC has updated its guidance on PPE on dairy farms and issued a nationwide order for health care providers to be on high alert for the new strain of influenza.

Shah said Tuesday that the CDC has asked clinical laboratories and health departments to increase the number of influenza samples they analyze “to maximize the likelihood of finding cases of H5N1 influenza in the community.” .

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is also increasing its oversight and assistance, offering $1,500 to non-infected farms and $100 to producers who wish to purchase in-line samplers for milk testing to improve biosecurity. It will also provide $2,000 per farm to cover veterinary costs for testing and shipping costs for sending test results to a lab for analysis.

No H5N1 infections have been detected in dairy herds in California.

Officials said ongoing analysis of the nation's dairy supply indicates Tamiflu is safe for consumption. Despite the low risk to human health, officials with the Office of Strategic Preparedness and Response said they “will provide Tamiflu upon request to unregulated jurisdictions, who are keeping their own stockpiles and responding to asymptomatic people who have been exposed to confirmed or suspected infected birds, cattle or other animals.”

Dawn O'Connell, the agency's assistant secretary, said the agency has begun the “fill and finish” process for about 4.8 million doses of the vaccine, which is closely matched to the currently circulating H5N1 strain, through the national pre-pandemic influenza vaccine stockpiling program.

He said the decision to begin administering the H5N1 vaccine was not in response to growing concerns, but given the months it will take to complete vaccinations, the agency said, “Given what we're seeing, I thought that made sense.”




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