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Researchers Issue Updated Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations • Kansas Reflector

Researchers Issue Updated Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations • Kansas Reflector


Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer; Major cause Cancer mortality in women around the world. Breast cancer rates are higher in Western countries than in Asia and Africa.

Prevention and testing are the two most effective ways to combat disease.

Preventive measures for breast cancer and several other types of cancer include quitting smoking, eliminating or reducing alcohol consumption, avoiding processed foods and red meat, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and exercising regularly.

Screening tests can detect cancer early and make treatment easier. The most common screening tests include clinical breast exams and mammography. During a breast exam, a doctor or nurse uses their hands to check for lumps. mammography An x-ray of the breast that doctors can use to look for early signs of cancer. Additional screening tests include an MRI test, which uses radio waves and a magnet to create images of the breasts.

US screening guidelines have changed since 2021. The US Preventive Services Task Force, a group of independent medical experts, now recommends mammograms every two years for women at average cancer risk at age 40 instead of age 50.

The American Cancer Society's screening guidelines recommend that women ages 45 to 54 get an annual mammogram, but women ages 55 and older can choose to have an annual or biennial mammogram.

These recommendations apply to all people who were assigned at birth to be at average risk of breast cancer, as well as those with a family history of breast cancer or dense breasts.

People who have or have had breast cancer, have mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast cancer repair genes, have received high-dose radiation therapy to the chest, or have breast lesions. recommend it They follow their doctor's advice.

Because a family history may increase the risk of certain cancers, medical professionals now ask individuals to provide their medical history. Risks for breast cancer in women include age, having a first-degree relative with breast cancer, or having dense breasts. Women at average risk are those with a family history of cancer or a genetic mutation, or those under 30 who have not had chest radiation therapy.

People at high risk should start screening earlier, for example if they have two first-degree relatives with breast cancer. Probability is high Your chances of being diagnosed with breast cancer are higher than average.

What does it mean to have dense breasts? There are three types of breast tissue: Glandular tissue or lobules synthesize and secrete milk. Fibrous tissue supports and holds the other types of milk. Fatty tissue fills the spaces between the glandular and fibrous tissue. When you have more than a certain amount of glandular and fibrous tissue compared to the amount of fatty tissue seen on a mammogram, this is dense breast tissue. known as dense breasts.

Having dense breasts is considered a mild risk factor, as much as your aunt having the disease.If your mammogram shows a dark breast, the tumor may be hidden within the glandular and fibrous tissue that makes up the dark area that appears white on the mammogram. You might be worriedSome oncologists believe that women with high risk factors should also get annual MRI scans.

When it comes to additional testing, Joan Elmore of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Christopher Lee of the University of Washington, Seattle, say more evidence is needed before U.S. cancer testing facilities start informing women about their breast density. It is considered necessary.

Should women with dense breasts, who represent about half of all women in the United States, require additional tests such as ultrasound or MRI? A better answer may come as more information is learned or as biomarkers are discovered that can predict cancer risk in women with dense breasts.

Larger studies are absolutely needed before introducing artificial intelligence to assist with mammography. Large population studies have shown that computer-assisted mammography is not as accurate as originally thought.

Although disparities in breast cancer incidence and mortality rates remain and further progress is needed, health policies should place more emphasis on health education and prevention to reduce the number of patients who require costly treatment.

Saeed Jamal teaches chemistry, biology, and anatomy/physiology at the university level and researches phytoremediation and cancer biology. Through her opinion column, Kansas Reflector works to amplify the voices of those affected by public policy and excluded from public discourse. Find information, including how to submit your own opinion. here.




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